Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 38: A family filled with love

Kind'a spoilers I wanted to add a scene of 'Longinus', Emily & Leaf being gangbanged by a tribe of quad-cocked echidna-kin yet spent longer than I imagined on the scene between Gem Jinko & Yi Lao. 


Gem, the current wife of Lord Flaming Tiger who was from the most wealthy Jinko family, was sitting in her office with a quill in hand.

Although she sat down in her chair she still chose to support the child in her belly with her left hand while having her right hand basically fully extended just to reach the table. It really was annoying that as her child grew inside of her stomach things only got more and more difficult yet not even in just moving around. Constant cramps, random pangs of hunger, suddenly finding the smell of any cooked food revolting and bouts of dizziness were all things she had to deal with.

Despite all that she still had to do the work expected of a wife. This meant dealing with everything in the house from managing the garden to managing the budget for all the servants' amenities as well as purchasing new ones - this even included the guards who worked for the Lao family though they were just the fledgling guards not the true fighting force under the lord of the city. Luckily her new ‘master’ had a great eye for business so her work was greatly lightened even if the weight of her belly didn’t.

Thinking of her rewards in the future she could hardly stop herself from salivating through focusing on the document in front of her. Just a simple checking of the invoices against the assigned budget to make sure that no money was mysteriously going missing. Though a few stones vanishing here and there wouldn’t be a huge loss the Lao certainly did take a big hit in purchasing Midas so every little would help make up for that - in the future this would all belong to her and her ‘wives’ afterall.

With such thoughts she heard a knock on the door causing an eerie light to enter he eyes only to quickly vanish as she called out in a warm tone.

“You may enter…” <Gem>

“Then I’ll intrude on my mother.” <First Son>

In came a clean cut man who appeared in his late teens early twenties with crimson hair left to freely flow down his body. He clearly was a member of the Lao family yet not just because of his hair rather the camel torso connected to his waist was given away. Her eyes secretly wandered down and just as she expected the Camtaur made little attempt to hide his raging erection.

<Like usual they can’t take care of it themselves while their father never considers getting them a sacrificial woman of their own since he’d rather use her himself. Not to mention no reputable brothel is even willing to deal with boys their size… I wonder when I started considering such sizes as being normal? Regardless it’s beneficial to me so I’ll just have to offer them some kindness under the guise of a ‘warm mother’ which should grow their hatred of the other male Lao members getting them were Madame Midas wants them.>

From her neutral expression a kind smile appeared on her face as she slowly put the quill back into its ink pot. She gave the aura she was happy to see him which quickly brought a smile to the man's face; nobody disliked a beautiful woman being happy to see them. Placing her hands on her chairs arms she slowly raised herself from it with a bit of a struggle due to her stomach.

“Good evening Yi, it makes me happy to see you well.” <Gem>

“Same to me mother yet I really think you shouldn’t be standing to greet me - even more I think you should be resting…” <Yi>

Despite his words he offered no hand while his gaze betrayed his desires - focusing on her baby bump and milk-filled breasts as they shifted. His penis’ pleased bouncing at her struggling to move around her desk towards him certainly revealed why he was her. She wasn’t concerned about his kinks being somewhat concerning, it helped her that he was pleased in just watching her attempting to move after all.

Slowly, with her left hand cradling her stomach to attempt to control the swaying, she used her right hand to make her way around her desk towards the man. A happy smile on her face even if she was forced to furrow now and again at her own difficulties in moving. Still she didn’t visibly show displeasure at the man enjoying her suffering.

“I enjoy your concern but please don’t treat me like an old lady even if I am your mother. We are still about the same age and attended the same social events in the past - it would only make me feel awkward having to show worry for me. It’s strange, I had a crush on you in the past yet now I have your sibling growing in my stomach with you worrying about me as nothing except your fathers unloved wife hahaha…” <Gem>

Although she laughed, even the aroused Camtaur could tell the smile on her face was a bitter one as she slowly stroked her belly. Gazing down at her stomach with a clear unwillingness about her situation despite seemingly having long accepted it. Regardless she knew this only attracted the man more based on their previous interactions… Only now she was fully using it to her advantage. He also didn’t catch on to the little lie of them being about the same age since they certainly weren’t with Yi’s youth only being due to his Foundation Formation cultivation.

The Camtaur came up to her as she stood beside her desk, slowly lifting his own hand to cradle her cheek causing her to look at him with upturned eyes filled with confusion though he simply offered a smile along with a sentence.

“If you don’t want to act like my mother, that's fine, we could just act as if we’re friends in an awkward yet funny situation.” <Yi>

<You want to be friends? Even without Madame Midas’ teachings I would easily be able to tell you clearly want to be more than just simple friends. Though I have to say even I’m impressed with how well I’m acting… If I had this ability before being married I would never have fell as lowly as being a wife in this desert. Instead I would become like my siblings living it up outside the {Central Cities} whether as a wife or managers - still with what Madame offers me I don’t have any interest in wallowing in regrets anymore.>

She offered him an aquiseting smile with a ever so gentle nod as she allowed the weight of her head to be completely supported by his palm. Closing her eyes as his other hand came to gently massage her upper arm as it supported her weight using the desk. If someone saw them they indeed wouldn’t believe they were merely friends.

“I think you're the only person I can trust Yi, especially with news about Lao Er coming out as not even being birthed by my predecessor despite her mysteriously vanishing. Will the same thing happen to me when he moves on to another daughter? It doesn’t help that being with this child has left me even more needy while your father can’t even look at anyone but that snake he bought on a whim with no regard for your future…” <Gem>

“You needn’t worry about all that; in the future I’ll be the next Flaming Tiger so I can just make up for everything you’ve lost during my fathers reign including your freedom.” <Yi>

<Somehow I doubt your intentions though unfortunately you don’t doubt mine…>

His hand moved naturally down to rub her stomach that seemed ready to burst out from her silky light blue sundress.

“But… With Lao Er being a son between the current Lord Flaming Tiger and Lao Bian the daughter he loves enough to wed to the man who practically sustains this desert… Would he really consider giving you his throne? I… I’m worried about your safety - if I can do anything for you I’d be more than willing...” <Gem>

Her eyes opened to look at him with clear worry displayed in them as she got to see the shock flash through his eyes showing that he never even considered it. There was a second of fear before he quickly went back to unreasonable confidence in himself as he obviously wasn’t informed of Midas’ cultivation by his father. His hand had slipped down to Gem’s plump thigh slowly making its way closer to her honey pot with her nervously moving to stop his hand with a faint blush on her cheeks.

“Don’t worry about me Gem, I’m quite tough and have been around this desert far longer than that little kid so I have far more in the way of connections. Plus how can an incestrial bastard compare to me? As for what you could do for me…” <Yi>

His hand ignored her protests to slowly reach her entrance which he slowly slid a finger up till pressing against her bean which he could feel harden under his touch.

“You surprisingly go bear - then again I suppose it’s quite hard to wear now…” <Yi>

“We-we shouldn’t do this…” <Gem>

“Don’t worry about it, I can tell your body craves this and mine too craves you. Why hold back when nobody will ever know about this? It’s not like you could get any more pregnant than you already are… I’ll even raise the child in your belly as my own when I take over from my father in return for you just lying down for a few minutes enjoying yourself.” <Yi>

“... I understand.” <Gem>

<Speaking as if you're experienced when Madame already informed me you were both virgins who had likely never seen a naked woman… Well I suppose it’s convenient since I won’t need to particularly try. Plus I’ll also get some must needed satisfaction while completing the task assigned to me by the Madame.>

While her thoughts were still quite orderly her right hand pushed away from the desk as she pressed her body against his chest. It was questionable whether he was enjoying the feeling of her breasts or belly more yet she didn’t care as she leaned her head closer to his. He didn’t refuse this advance as soon their lips met with him clumsily licking her lips like a dog showing how inexperienced he was.

She didn’t show her dissatisfaction in his inexperience nor did she even bother bringing attention to it. Instead she softly moaned out “Ah, lord Yi is great” while letting that clumsy tongue into her mouth - it would work better to build up his confidence after all. Her arms would come to lock around his waist while guiding him towards the sofa.

She only pulled away from him when she fell down onto the sofa yet he wasn’t angry at her actions since she proceeded to lie back. Her legs came to rest upon the sofa as well while her hands moved from his waist to hers instead where she would pull up her skirt. A soft crimson glow came onto her ears as Yi’s gaze turned hungry upon seeing those wet meaty folds already adjusted to accept his own size.

“I’m used to going raw with no preparation so feel free to… Put it in me…” <Gem>

Yi didn’t pretend to be courteous anymore as he abruptly went up and slammed his hooves beside her head while his mighty member came to slap down onto her stomach. She didn’t even need to pretend to moan out as she genuinely was surprised by his sudden aggressive action while her lower lips squirted softly. The camtaur ‘prince’ slowly began to move his hips, rubbing his full length against her baby bump, making her shocked for a second.

She knew he was turned on by her pregnancy yet she didn’t quite expect this…

Still Midas only taught professionals with a strict standard so she quickly gained some sense back to release her best course of action. Knowing he was more interested in her belly than vagina at this moment she moved her hands away from that to instead pull her dress all the way up to her underbust to let his penisdirectly  rest on her flesh. He was surprised at suddenly feeling the warmth of her belly yet he didn’t seem to care as long as he was allowed to enjoy himself.

Her hands moved back down to grab that second head to massage it while feeling the force of his weighty penis constantly pushing against his stomach. Although her belly was certainly big enough to let it sink in she still had to feel what could only be akin to being constantly kicked in the gut without the ability to retaliate. She couldn’t help but constantly gasp and whine with tearful eyes as she would believe he wanted her to miscarige if she didn’t know how much he lusted over her pregnant form enough to not care about raising a child.

Honestly with Midas being who she was, she had already taught Gem to receive pleasure from such sensations so it wasn’t as if she wasn’t enjoying herself. She was more just worried about the result of the baby in her stomach if it’s home was disturbed like this. Hoping to help him finish sooner her feet came up to rest on either side of his balls to massage them with her souls which thankfully seemed to work well.

“Urgh take this!” <Yi>

An explosion of white came out from his head as a jet of thick white semen splattered all across her clothed chest and face. He didn’t even seem to care about her opinion on the matter as he made now attempt resulting in her being quite surprised by the facial nearly getting a literal eye full if she didn’t close them just in time. Still she was satisfied enough with the strange new method to quiver before squirting on his underside as their pleasured moans harmonized.

“Your penis is so much better it can make me cum without even entering m-Mmm?!” <Gem>

“Heh, of course, please clean the head before I head away to plan how I’ll deal with my brother and father okay?” <Yi>

Although he technically asked her he already shoved that cum drizzling head into her mouth while she was mid compliment. Fortunately she was used to large things entering her mouth so she quickly began to move her tongue over that head, slowly moving back and forth. True to his words he only had him suck to remnants of their session off before stepping away. Heading out the door as he spoke.

“Next time I’ll let you feel the pleasure of sucking the entire thing so don’t get too greedy Gem.” <Yi>

“Please don’t make me wait too long…” <Gem>


Her hands softly rubbed her aching stomach as if trying to work some of the lingering sensation out as he walked away with a smug grin. As soon as he was out the door she let out a long sigh while spitting into a nearby bin with a frown, eyes glaring at that door. How she couldn’t wait to see his reaction when he realized he has no power at all…

“Well that wass certainly an interesting method of ssex wassn’t it shashasha~?” <Midas>

Gem quickly turned her head towards the voice that came from her desk to see the sultry as ever Midas sitting at the chair. The seductress leaned back with an arm crossed under her massive rack that put her to shame while her slender waist was back in action. Nobody was aware why but she had stopped being filled with semen every morning and night.

Most though he probably just got a little bored of Midas or she was too loose/tired to keep up with the Camtaur’s love. Obviously that was completely wrong. She was actually just waiting for his foundation to collapse through a lack of her [Gold Eulogy Qi] yet few would even understand the dangers of cleansing all the impurities inside their bodies.

“It was, may even be sexy if he was human sized, yet as it is I was more worried he would get too aggressive leading to me giving birth early…” <Gem

“I wouldn’t worry too much; you’ll jusst have to sshow him what it’ss like on the othersside of the peniss in the future~!” <Midas>

“Indeed…” <Gem>

Thinking about her promised revenge she couldn’t help lick her lips while her right hand moved under her gut. Slowly rubbing her clit as the angry glare sent after Yi became one filled with a dark desire that was far greater than his own hunger. Whatever she was imagining soon got a rise out of her body as she shivered while letting out another squirt of love.

“You’ve done well so it shouldn’t be too much longer. With the younger brother being even dumber I wouldn’t be surprised if he willingly handed over the seat of head to you - meanwhile that one has nothing going for him except his barely good enough cultivation achievements.” <Midas>

Listening to her madame speaking she sucked her wet finger tips with a joyful grin while awaiting the reason why Midas was even watching them do it. Then again it wouldn’t be surprising if the tyrant just wanted to watch her loyal servant being fucked by her step-child after sectrectly seducing the younger brother as well. One may wonder how she seduced Lao Er and it’s quite simple actually.

She just told him she loved him while not caring about the fact he may be a child born for a forbidden act.

With the news recently coming out it wasn’t surprising the boy had a sudden crisis of self due to everyone discussing him. Not just that but apparently not even he was aware of his true origins with the woman he thought died to give birth to him apparently wasn’t even his mother despite certainly dying to cover up the true origins of his birth… His ex-family from his mother's side were even hounding the door to demand justice.  

It wasn’t even as if she told much of a lie; she certainly didn’t care about how he was born since all that mattered to her was that he had been born. Plus she certainly intended to shower him with love especially in the future - he was much cuter than the rest of his family with a timid personality one could expect. Despite Gem’s words to Yi lord, Flaming Tiger certainly didn’t love that accidental child born from his daughter.

“Anyway I wass told by Slate you would have some newss I would be interessted in~…” <Midas>

“Ah, I think I understand, I think you’ll enjoy this. At first everyone was surprised over the appearance of a suspicious new pornstar called ‘Lady Drenched Pussy’ that appeared to be a parody of Lord Aqua Liger. During her videos she gets treated by oni in a way that makes our treatment from Camtaur vanilla in comparison. She also seems to enjoy it far more than any woman should by how much effort she puts in with many people complaining about the slander involved in parodying a powerful lady like that since some swore it had to be someone else yet as someone who has heard her voice before you can tell it’s her.

Considering she didn’t even hide her voice at the start of every video while her profile picture even has her calling Cobra a cuck written in oni semen. Of course, with the great losses his sect were dealt by you nobody is holding their tongues in mocking the mighty lord Cobra as the name ‘Cobra the Cuckold Realm Cultivator’ is constantly discussed. Due to the pornograhty also being of a beautiful powerful famous woman being treated like a sex you it’s became really popular especially after she broke through to core realm during the 5th video in the series where they see how far they can prolapse her asshole-.” <Gem>

As Gem recounted one of the videos expectly Midas couldn’t help but grin.

“Guesss we know what you’ve been watching while our hussband iss out~!” <Midas>

“Ah, yes, sorry I’ll get back to the important bits. Our own spies have confirmed that Liger has indeed been spotted frequently with violet haired herm in the videos while the scent and general state of her body after a video has been released says it’s her. Even more telling is that a tribulation did happen in the Li estate around about the time the video should've taken place with many videos. I cannot confirm it myself but many have said the settings of the videos are also often inside the Li estate which is quite telling.

I’m sure you already are well aware of Purple Cobra having a standing marriage agreement only awaiting Liger’s consent… Well with all this drama going on about her becoming an extreme kink pornstar for the {Asura Yakuza} maybe even {Little Hannya Family} she accepted the marriage with Cobra. Now he’s getting wedded to well used oni goods since he couldn’t pull back in time. He has no chance of going back on the wedding without paying for it since she is not only likely backed by the Yakuza but also achieved Core Realm just like him. Unlike him though she is far younger to the point where even those sects outside the desert would consider her a high ranking {Daughter of Heaven}.

Everyone is obviously mocking him while he’s apparently gone into closed cultivation till the day of the marriage.” <Gem>

It was at that point where Midas absolutely lost her shit in a fit of laughing like never before; sure enough never give Violet a reason to get revenge on you!

“Shashashashasha~ well it seemss like we’ll need to enssure thiss iss a celebration to remember with a guesstlisst fitting of such a momentouss occassion shashashasha~!” <Midas>

With that in mind she decided to call her foreign allies in for this joke…

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