Legend Of Yuki: The Wrath Of The Tailed Asura
A Test Of Friendship?
Sometime later, Nana called out to Yuki: “Yuki, I think I found something good.”
Yuki, who was still browsing the shelves, walked over to where Nana was. Nana pointed to a name tag that had a bit of information about the technique below it. Iron Wall? A technique that, when reached the completion stage, will make your skin as tough as iron. Hmmm, does it really make your skin as tough as iron?”
“No idea, but it is an earth rank body cultivation technique, so maybe? I figured it would be perfect for us to toughen our bodies more.” Nana wanted to do whatever she could to survive even a little bit longer.
“Alright, let’s get it then. Help me look for a movement technique. If we can get something that will allow us to move quicker, we may not need to ever test how tough our skin is.” Yuki grinned as she bumped shoulders with Nana. She was only revealing a bit of her true self since they were alone on the third floor.
“Alright then!” Nana smiled and began searching the shelves once more.
After a few hours, the two had finally found an earth rank moving technique called Swallow steps. It was perfect for any weapon, which was why they picked it. They both had different styles of combat, which made finding a movement technique for the both of them a daunting task.
“Let’s go down and finally see what this hidden scroll is,” Yuki suggested. She wanted to see what kind of scroll it was. Even if it was a sky or heaven technique that she could use, she would not take it if only she could learn it. It would not be fair to Nana. They wanted to grow stronger together, not one speeding ahead of the other. Nana only had one chance to pick a technique, and knowing her, she would still pick the body fortification technique just because we could both cultivate it.
The two girls walked up to the counter where the old man was leaning back in his chair, resting his eyes. When he sensed the two near him, he slowly opened them and asked: “Finally found what you were looking for?”
“Mmm… Ummm. Elder…. We found this between the wall and the bookshelf. Can you tell us what it is?” Nana asked as Yuki handed the scroll over.
The old man’s brow wrinkled. He did not know why a scroll would be stashed in such a place. He looked at the scroll for a few seconds before his eyes shot up. “You found this on the third floor!?”
“Mmm… It was by the far wall between the wall itself and the bookshelf,” Nana replied.
The old man fell silent before looking up at Yuki. “This is a sky movement technique. It was thought to have been lost. But it seems someone decided to hide it to grab it at a later date. But sadly for them, they can’t take the technique out of the building.”
Gazing at the scroll and then at the two scrolls in the girl’s hands, he knew that they were planning on sharing their techniques. So that they can both learn them, such friendship and camaraderie was not something you saw often. “This technique is only suitable for those who rely on speed. So it would only be good for this young lady. While this is a sky technique, you did find it on the third floor, so I will make an exception and make a copy for you. But you will have to put away your other earth rank technique.”
“Then no, thank you.” Yuki shook her head. While she did wish to take the sky rank technique, she did not wish to leave Nana without a technique personalized for her.
“Yuki, you should take it!” Nana was panicking. If Yuki really did not take it, then it would be a huge loss! This was a sky rank technique, after all!
“It’s fine.” Yuki’s eyes were filled with stubbornness. “Even if I did take this technique, you would not switch out yours for one that fits you better, would you?”
“That…” Nana could not deny that! She would still keep the body fortification technique to allow Yuki to cultivate it to.
“You girls are something else. Many would forget relationships when it came to situations like this.” The old man formed a smile on his lips as he said: “Get the little lady a movement technique that suits her. I will make an exception. You can pick out two earth techniques and can keep the sky technique.”
“Thank you!” Yuki was the first to speak up. She did so as clear as day to and not in a soft whisper. She was truly thankful that the old man was willing to allow such a thing.
“Just don’t tell anyone. I am making a special exception here as you found the sky technique that we thought had gone missing. Now go get her a movement technique.” The old man waved the two off. Yuki and Nana were in high spirits as they made their way back up to the third floor. This was a boon for the both of them, a chance to really grow stronger.
As the two left, the old man chuckled. The technique had not gone missing. There would be no way such a technique would sit there for years on end, and no one not notice. If it was lost, the sect master would use his divine sense to find it. It was a test. That could only be completed if two people met the conditions. First, they had to be friends. Second, they had to be trying to help each other out. And third, they had to find the scroll. If they did, this meant they were fated to be tested to see how loyal they were to their friends.
Such conditions were not easily met, but these two girls did meet this condition. And they both passed.
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