Legend Of Yuki: The Wrath Of The Tailed Asura

18 years stuck in a hospital bed, always taken care of by those around her. Sick all her life Yuki finally passed away. What she did not expect was to be reborn as a fox girl? A world of cultivation. A world where might makes right.Yuki will need to learn to survive in this new world. Will she be able…

On The Way To The Dragon Festival Part 2

On a flying boat not far from Yuki’s location, a few men dressed in black sat on the deck, looking at the small dot in the distance. “I can’t believe we are going to do this now.”

“Don’t complain. The organization passed down the order. We are to kill the girl in the painting. We just need to get in and then get out.” Man in black A replied to man in black C’s complaint.

“But their sect master will be on the boat. This is basically suicide.” Man in black B replied.

“Even if that is the case, we have a better chance of living if we do the job than we will if we ignore it. We are the lowest of the low in the organization. They gave us orders. We just do it.” Man in black A replied.

“I know! But still… Can’t a guy bitch?” Make in black B let out a long sigh. “We are we going in?”

“When it gets dark. We will sneak in, do the job, and then get out.” Man in black A  really just wanted to get this over with and go back. He also did not wish to jump on a boat with the sect master of one of the biggest sects in this kingdom. While his organization was not mainly from this kingdom and was spread throughout the continent, he still did not wish to mess with powerhouses.

“What I do not get is why we are out killing a young girl. What the hell did she do to get someone to put a hit out on her?” Man in black C asked. He still did not understand why someone would spend so much money to hire their organization to kill a young girl. Normally, they would kill kings or elders of sects. Never a young girl.

“It’s not up to us to ask questions. We just do our jobs.” Man in black A answered.

“Hey, since we are gonna kill her anyway, why not kidnap her and have some fun first?” The man in black B’s eyes were glowing with lust.

“How about I kill you so I do not have a bastard in my team? I will say you died in the line of duty.” Man in Black C said with a snort. 

“He’s right. Say shit like that again, and I will cut your head off myself. We kill people. We do not take advantage.” Man in black A’s eyes turned cold as he stared at his companion.

“I was just joking shit…” Man in black B pursed his lips. He really was not joking.

On the boat, Yuki, Nana, and Silvia were all sitting on the deck playing a game of rock wars. It was a game Yuki thought up to pass the time. You only needed three rocks per person. You drew a small circle on the ground and then a smaller one inside of that circle. The one closest to the center of the smaller circle would win. Each person took a turn trying to push their rocks into the small circle. 

But you could not just place them or throw them. You had to flick them from outside the circle. At this moment, Nana was pouting because Silvia had just three wayed all her rocks out of the big circle while Yuki’s rock was pushed into outer edge of the inner circle. Yuki still had one rock left. As long as she could push Silvia’s rock out of the circle or get her rock closer to the center, she would be the winner.

She leaned down and was basically lying on her stomach, trying to aim her rock. She licked her lips and clicked her rock with her index finger, sending it speeding across the wood of the flying boat. The rock slid over the bigger circle and arrived at the inner circle as it slowed down and bumped into Sivlia’s rock, only for her rock to push Silvia’s rock dead in the center of the inner circle. “Ahhh! I suck!”

Silvia put on a smug smile as she looked proudly at Nana and Yuki. Yuki and Nana could only sigh at their luck. Silvia was just too good at this! Of course, her ability at this game had a lot to do with her years of being an assassin. She had to be able to use even the smallest object as a weapon accurately. 

“I can’t believe I lost at a game I came up with.” Yuki felt it was very regrettable! But she had to admit there was probably no way for her to beat Silvia at this time. Not unless she practiced day and night for a few years! 

“At least you still had rocks in the circles! Silvia knocked all of mine out!” Nana was sure Silvia did it on purpose! She was trying to show off in front of Yuki!

“Well, let’s take a break. We can try again later. I feel if I play another game, I might tear the ship apart.” Yuki was feeling bitter. She wanted revenge! She would not give up until she won! But she also knew to take breaks before trying again.

“Ummm… I think your game caught on….” Silvia pointed at the other groups on the deck of the ship. Many disciples were laying how Yuki did, flicking rocks. Some were even standing in weird ways, hoping it would give them an advantage. Yuki’s game rock wars became a fad almost instantly for these bored disciples.

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