Tower Of Babel: Myu’s Wrath
Trouble In Leaf City
Myu pursed her lips. She figured the easiest way to deal with such a quest was just to burn the entire forest down. Then she could even grab the items and drops from the entire floor. It would work out well. But…. She looked at Tilly’s pleading face and sighed. “Fineeeeeeee!”
Tilly wiped the sweat from her brow. Luckily she did not have to watch her home being burnt to a crisp. “If you wait until we pass my village, we can head towards the area where the ents live, and then you can burn a section of the forest.”
“Oh! Okay!” Myu was feeling a bit depressed, but now she felt a bit better. As long as she got to burn something, she was happy.
Myu began to walk through the forest with a big smile on her face as she sang a strange song that sent shivers down Tilly’s spine. “Burn~ Burn~ Burn the forest down~ Burn~ Burn~ Burn the forest down~ Burn it all until there is nothing left~~ Burn it until all life has turned into ghosts~”
The other climbers who were around her quickly made way, not daring to go near the strange girl. Myu and Tilly both did not realize that with each step she took, the underbrush underfoot would turn charcoal black.
Since this floor was mainly all plant based monsters, their instincts also told them that the little girl was not something they should go near. Normally by now, Myu would have been attacked multiple times but not a single monster on the floor dared to go near her.
“It seems this floor has many climbers today….” Myu, who had been waiting to be attacked, pursed her lips. She could not see any monsters at all.
“I-I don’t think it’s the other climbers….” Tilly mumbled. She knew for a fact her hot-headed contractor was the cause of the monsters not willing to get near her. It was then that she turned to see burn marks in the shape of footprints behind them which made her assumption seem even more correct.
With Tilly’s directions, they soon made it to the porter’s home. Which was a large group of condensed trees, but you could see that it was easily a small city with bridges made of vines and branches connecting the trees together along with other pathways that wrapped around each tree. Many lights could be seen in the homes carved out of the trees themselves.
“Welcome to Leaf City!” Tilly said proudly as she took in a deep breath. She was happy to have come home to see it once more before she advanced to the higher floors. She wondered how her parents were doing. Her father was the ruler of the race so she was very curious as to how things were.
“Halt! What are you doing here!? This place is off limits to humaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnssssss!” A porter with a wooden spear flew in front of Myu’s face, which resulted in her swatting the porter like a bug on instinct.
“Ah! Why did you swat him!?” Tilly cried out.
“Hmmm? That wasn’t a bug?” Myu asked as she tilted her head to the side. She could have sworn it was a mosquito. It had a pointy thing pointed at her.
“No! That was one of the guards!” Tilly held her head. She knew this would be trouble!
“How dare you, human!” A group of guards showed up. Each one holding a wooden spear. Myu went to raise her hand when Tilly yelled out once more.
“Stop! Don’t hit them! They are not bugs!” She seemed very desperate.
“Oh…” Myu squinted her eyes and nodded her head. She realized they were indeed porters. “So, where is your family?”
“We need to deal with the situation at hand first!” Tilly felt exhuasted. She knew her contractor was a my pace kind of person, but she did not think she would cause a scene before they even entered the city! She turned and looked at the guards who were pointing their spears at Myu and flew up into the air in front of Myu’s face. “I am Princess Tilly! What happened early was a mistake of my contractor. She thought the guard was… was a bug….”
“A bug!? What the hell do you take us for!? Climbers never change! Even if you are the princess, no human is allowed into the city! You may enter, but the human must stay outside! We will also be talking to the Guild Association about this!” The lead guard answered. His anger and hate were not hidden in the slightest.
“This….” If Myu could not go in, neither could she! “You have to make an exception! You know a porter can not go far from their contractor!”
“Rules are rules.” The porter guard snickered as she stood his ground. “If you want to go see his majesty, oh Princess, then you must go in alone.”
“This… But.” Tilly began to tear up. She just wanted to see her mother and father. She knew they could not leave and come out to see her due to their positions.
“Tilly why listen to idoits?” Myu asked. “They can’t do anything to stop me, so we will just go to your house. Lead the way.”
Myu saw no need to listen to some stupid guards who were making this hard on purpose. She patted Tilly on the head and took a step forward. As she did, the guards all readied their weapons, but before they could do anything, their wooden spears suddenly burst into flames. Myu looked at the guards tossing their spears away, and smiled: “Try to stop us.”
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