The Star System: Rise To The Top

After buying a guitar, Kane, who had a dream of becoming a singer-songwriter, stumbled upon a strange glass bead that held within it a system called the Star System. From this moment on, Kane's life slowly started to change. He completed missions and worked hard to earn money to follow his dream, all while taking…

Get Your Head Out Of The Clouds!

It was around seven at night when Kane and Stacey finally returned to the house. Stacey had said her goodbyes to her mother and promised she would come during the day when she did not have work. 

    As soon as the two walked through the door, Kane’s grandmother came out while wiping her hands on her apron. “I made some food for you two. Your grandpa and I have already eaten, so you two go ahead. We will be heading to bed soon.” 

“Alright. Thanks, Grandma.” Kane smiled as he watched his grandmother wave her hand at him dismissively. 

After their meal, Kane and Stacey watched some tv before they retreated back to his room, where Kane planned to lay out the two futons he had on top of one another. He wanted some extra padding since only one was hard on his back. Stacey looked at Kane busying himself as she sat on the bed and felt bad. “Kane, just sleep in the bed.”

“I already told you that is not a good idea,” Kane replied. He was not confident enough to say he would not do anything to Stacey if he slept next to her.

Stacey pursed her lips but did not say anything else. She watched him finish laying out the futons and then put a pillow and blanket down. Only then did he say: “I will go get changed. You can change while I am in the bathroom.” 

“Okay.” Stacey nodded and gave Kane a smile. She watched as he left the room with a set of clothes before standing up and walking over to his closet. She found one of his t-shirts, took off her clothes and bra but kept her panties on, and put it on without hesitation. It ran down to about mid-thigh revealing her slender legs all the way down to her small feet. She couldn’t wait to see Kane’s reaction.

Kane had only put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. He normally only slept in his boxers, but since Stacey was here, he figured he should put on some extra layers. As he dressed, he kept thinking about the song he had started writing. He felt that after his music composition was level upped, he had actually gotten much better at writing. It was only a few lines, but it was enough for him to realize that he had truly gotten better at writing. 

[System Notice: Realization]
[Special mission granted now that you have realized your potential.]
[Complete your first song and post it for the world to see.]
[Rewards: 20 Status Points, 20 skill Points]

Kane saw the notification pop up and almost felt like he was seeing things. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the numbers on the screen. He did not think he would get a mission worth so many points so soon! He took a deep breath and smiled. He would not rush it. He wanted to make a good song, so there was no point in rushing it. Even if the points were tempting, he did not want to produce his first song that was dedicated to his parents in a rush. 

He closed the popup and walked back to his bedroom. When he walked in, he saw a blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty standing there in one of his t-shirts in front of a mirror. She was putting her hair up into a ponytail. He couldn’t help but gulp a mouth full of saliva. He wondered if this girl knew just how tempting she was. “Stacey?”

“Hmmm?” Stacey turned and looked at Kane. She had a hair tie in her mouth. Her big blue eyes looked very innocent, but if one looked close enough, they would see the corners of her lips twitching as she tried to hide her teasing smile.

“Don’t hmmm, me! Why are you wearing my shirt?” Kane asked helplessly. It was not that he did not mind, but he did not know how to deal with this. 

“Ah! I didn’t bring anything to sleep in. So I took one of your shirts.” Stacey replied as she took the hair tie out of her mouth. She gave Kane a smile and walked over to him, and gave him a hug. “Is it bad?”

“No… Well, in some ways, yes, but… well, whatever.” Kane sighed. He reached up and patted Stacey on the head. 

“Good!” Stacey smiled as she let Kane go. She was happy. She could steal all of Kane’s clothes now!

Kane could only sigh as he watched Stacey walk back over to the mirror. He walked over to the futon and got under the covers. “When you are ready, turn the light off, please.”

“Okay!” Stacey replied as she finished her things up. She walked over to the side of the room and flipped the switch before walking back towards the bed. It was just that….

“Stacey, what are you doing?” Kane asked as he looked at the girl who was half sitting down, holding his blanket up.

“Getting into bed?” Stacey was playing stupid. No matter what, she did not plan to let Kane sleep alone tonight. She wanted to cuddle with him while she slept. So even if he kicked her out now, she would just wait until he fell asleep and sneak into his bed!

“Your bed is up there…” Kane raised an eyebrow. But it seemed his words fell on deaf ears. Because Stacey still got under his covers and cuddled right up next to him. 

“Where you sleep is where I sleep,” Stacey replied firmly.

Kane sighed. He looked at the two big eyes looking back at him under the dim light of the room and knew no matter what he said, she would not relent. “If that is the case, let’s just get in the bed….” 

“Okay!” Stacey jumped up. She was happy. She did find the futon a little too hard for her.

Kane could only sigh as he watched a pair of white panties flash in front of his eyes. He really wondered if Stacey knew she was very careless… He got up and slid into bed and was automatically hooked onto. Stacey hugged his arm and placed her head on his shoulder. Feeling the warmth of the girl next to him, Kane could only do his best to clear his mind. 

“So, do you plan to hug me like this every time you are here overnight?” Kane asked.

“Do you hate it?” Stacey asked back. She wondered why Kane was resisting so much.

“No, but…. For a guy, it is hard to restrain one’s self.” Kane replied.

“Hehe. Then we will just need to test your limits.” Stacey’s lips curled up into a teasing smile as she moved her leg to cross over his. “You should be happy to be sleeping with a cute girl like me. Even if you get wet dreams, I won’t min-ow! Why did you flick me!?”

“Get your head out of the clouds!”

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