The Star System: Rise To The Top

After buying a guitar, Kane, who had a dream of becoming a singer-songwriter, stumbled upon a strange glass bead that held within it a system called the Star System. From this moment on, Kane's life slowly started to change. He completed missions and worked hard to earn money to follow his dream, all while taking…

No Thanks

While Kane was being tortured by a certain girl in more ways than one, Audry was currently at a late-night shoot as an extra. She didn’t even have any lines. But this was her first chance to even receive a role in anything. When she heard about it, she rushed over to sign up. 

What she did not expect was how many people were actually there. There were hundreds of people already lined up. If she had come any later, she would have missed this chance. While the pay was only a few hundred bucks and was not much, it was still more money in her pocket that could help with the bills.

Since this was her first time on set, she was taking it all in. Any experience in acting for her was an experience, no matter how little it was. She would take it all in and build up her portfolio. She wanted to slowly work her way up to being someone who had actual lines. If she could become an extra with a line or two, that would mean she would get even more money. If her acting was seen by a director or agency, then she might even get a small role at some point. Audry was trying to work towards her dream, even if it was done slowly.

“Alright! Everyone get ready!” The director, James Taylor, yelled out. He was a new director who was only twenty-five years old. He had graduated at the top of his class and, with his connections, picked up a small gig directing a commercial. That one commercial was enough to make a name for himself. This allowed him to be asked to film this movie. 

The movie in which he was directing and that Audry had become an extra in was called Times Memorial. It was a kind of war fantasy. It played out in New York City. A war between Canada and the United States broke out. The actual cause of the war was because both countries were at odds over a few border disputes. A shot rang out from one side, and then a full-blown war erupted since neither nation wanted to try to talk things out. While most of this would need CGI and green screen footage, the current set was to be filmed in New York City before the war broke out.

And as an extra, Audry was currently dressed up in her costume, waiting to be called out. Extra’s did not have the whole private dressing room thing. Men and women were split and were forced to get changed behind screens with ten or more people at a time. She had never seen such a hectic scene since this was her first time on set.

When Audry walked out of the dressing area to make her way to the waiting area, she did not expect to bump into someone as soon as she opened the door. “Ah! I’m sorry!”

“Hmmm?” The young man looked down at his shirt, which had a large water stain, and then at the girl, who was looking at him in shock and smiled strangely. “It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s just water. It will dry. My name is James. What’s your name?”

Audry frowned. She did not like the man’s gaze. She had seen it many times. Audry was a kind of fairy with her red hair and green eyes. When you combined it with her small face, she looked very cute, like a fairy, almost picturesque. So she was used to the gazes she would get from some people. Whether at work or when auditioning, she could feel these gazes, and it was one of the reasons she worked at the pizzeria. To escape those kinds of gazes from the people she worked with. She knew her field of work was going to be filled with such gazes, so she was used to it, but this did not mean she liked them. 

She forced a smile as she introduced herself. “My name is Audry Stampson. I am an extra in the movie today.”

“Oh? An extra, huh?” James rubbed his chin as he checked Audry out. Audry felt as if she was being eyed by a tiger. It sent chills up and down her spine. “Maybe… If you are willing to have dinner with me to….”

“No thanks.” Audry cut him off and walked away. She did not even want to let the man finish speaking. She was fine being an extra for now. Even if she lost her extra role now, she would not care. She wanted to become an actress by showcasing her talent, not by using her body in some man’s bed.

 James was stunned by Audry’s quick refusal. He couldn’t help but chuckle. He found it amusing, but he did not plan to push her. He was still a new director, so not many knew who he was. He wondered what her expression would be like when she saw him sitting in the director’s chair. He wondered if she would regret her quick refusal. No matter what, he did not lack the chance to talk to these beautiful girls who wished to try their luck in the acting world.

- - -

Back on Kane’s side of things. He was not able to sleep in the slightest. Stacey had fallen fast asleep and was now half lying on top of him. His manhood was doing its best to stay out of trouble, but this girl’s defenses were just too little! What was making things worse was that every time he tried to move the girl off him so he could at least roll over, she would cling to him harder. He was starting to think the little minx was not even asleep!

Kane’s thinking could not have been any more right. Stacey was indeed not asleep. She was enjoying the closeness she was having with Kane and did not wish to let him go. She was pushing the limits to see how long it would take him to actually turn into an animal. However, she knew he was not a man who did not like girls. It was quite noticeable from the thing that was poking her thigh. But she ignored it because she had been wanting to cuddle with Kane like this for a long time now. 

Luckily for Kane, Stacey did finally fall asleep for real. Although he still stayed awake for quite a while before he fell asleep. Sadly, in the end, he only ended up with about four hours of sleep.

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