The Star System: Rise To The Top

After buying a guitar, Kane, who had a dream of becoming a singer-songwriter, stumbled upon a strange glass bead that held within it a system called the Star System. From this moment on, Kane's life slowly started to change. He completed missions and worked hard to earn money to follow his dream, all while taking…

Trouble At The Store

Kane and Stacey left the pizzeria and hailed a cab to go to the computer store not far away. Normally, he would take the bus, but he did not want Stacey to have to sit on a bus. It took twenty minutes to get to the store. Traffic was quite bad at this time of day. If it was not cold, it would have been much faster to just walk. 

Holding Stacey’s hand, he went directly to the computer store where he planned to buy the things he needed. When they entered, they were met with rows of items on display, all of which were not even close to anything Kane could afford. “What do you plan to buy?” Stacey asked out of curiosity.

“Nothing too special. But I know it will be a laptop. I got around six hundred to buy everything. Laptops normally come with a built-in webcam, so I can save on that. But I will still need a mic.” Kane explained. Stacey only nodded. She did not know much about computers. She rarely used them herself. 

They walked around for a while, but Kane still couldn’t decide on what he wanted. “Can I help you find something?” A young man came over. His eyes went from Kane directly to Stacey, and stayed there. He did not even hide the fact that he was staring at her. He even had a strange look in his eyes that made Stacey take a step back and tighten her grip on Kane’s hand.

Kane frowned as he pulled Stacey behind him. “If you want to help, help me by not staring at my girlfriend.”

The young man’s face turned a little sour. He glanced at Kane before saying, “Since you don’t need my help, I will leave you alone.”

Kane snorted as he said, “No, I do need your help. I need you to get your manager.”

The young man who was about to leave stopped and looked back at Kane. “I do not think there is anything my manager can do for you that I can not do. Any question you have, I can  answer.”

“Oh? Then, can you answer this question? Why are you being rude? Do you not know it’s rude to stare at another man’s girl so blatantly? If this was not a store, I would have punched you by now. My girlfriend doesn’t like other guys staring at her. It makes her feel uncomfortable.” Kane was not one to let things go with just a pat on the back. He did not like the fact that this store employee was actually making Stacey feel uncomfortable. He did not bring her here to be leered at.

“I have no idea what you are talking about. If you are here to cause a scene, then I think you should leave.” The young man knew he was in the wrong, but he would not admit it. 

“The one causing a scene is you, David.” A young woman walked over. She had reddish hair that went down to her shoulders and brown eyes that were hidden behind a pair of glasses. She glared at the young man whose name was David. “You have been told many times to keep how you look at customers in check. This is only your second day on the job, and already five of the same incidents.”

“I…” David wanted to defend himself, but he had no way. He couldn’t help but stare at beautiful girls! But at the same time, he did not feel as if he had done anything wrong. He did not see an issue with taking a look.

The young woman rubbed the spot between her brow while saying: “Get off the floor and go out back.” 

After saying this, the young woman did not even look at David anymore. David, on the other hand, glared at Kane before turning and walking off. The young woman sighed. She was only twenty-two years old, and she felt like she was fifty dealing with someone close to her own age that acted like a small kid. “I apologize for what has happened. I hired him thinking he was a good employee, but he has been nothing but trouble. Sadly, I am stupid and kept trying to give him a chance. But today will be the last straw.”

“It’s fine. I was going to just drop it if he walked away. I thank you for intervening. I would hate to think some girl might come in alone and something worse happening.” Kane replied. He was glad that the manager of the store was someone who was responsible. She could have protected her employee, but she did not. This meant she was an honest person, as far as Kane could tell. 

“I see. Well, I am still sorry. My name is  Emily. Is there anything I can help you find?” Emily asked.

“Yes, actually.” Kane went on to explain what he was looking for. In the end, he was able to get a 20% discount off a gaming laptop that was halfway decent. He did not want it for playing games, but it would allow him to use video software on it and upload his videos to youtube. He also got a decent mic and a few pieces of acoustic foam to stick up on his walls.

When all was said and done, he paid almost five hundred bucks. But he was very happy with his purchases. He got a lot more than he ever imagined.

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