Pokemon: Merged Worlds Ivys Legacy
Chapter 4
Ivy stood there in a daze, unsure of what she was looking at. In front of her was a young woman and not the pikachu she had captured. Her hand slowly raised as she pointed at the young woman. "Who... Who are you!?"
"What do you mean who am I!? You were the one who went and threw the creepy ball at me!" The young woman yelled. She really wanted to know what was going on as well. She had come to eat her prey, and now she looked just like her prey! It was frustrating and even more so since she was now bound to said prey!
"Pikachu!?" Ivy cried out in surprise. She did not understand what was going on, but it seemed the pikachu she had captured had turned into a girl her age.
"It's Ellee. Isn't that what you named me?" Ellee actually liked her name since she never had one. It made her feel special as if she was above all the other no-name pikachus. "Plus, you were the one who went and captured me! Why are you freaking out!?"
"I... Sorry." Ivy apologized. She had no idea why she was even apologizing. "But, if I didn't capture you, you would have eaten me, no?"
Ellee furrowed her brow as she nodded. "I would have played around a bit before finally killing you yes." Ellee hated to admit it but she couldn't blame Ivy for capturing her either. "So... Since you are my master now, what are your plans?"
"I am not sure..."
"Err... Maybe we can find some food." Ivy blushed. She was actually very hungry. She had yet to eat today, and with everything that happened, her stomach was not very happy. She had many questions as well, but she knew now was not the time. "But, first, we need to get out of this place."
"We can get out of here if we follow the tunnel to the left. The flow of air coming from that direction is fresh." Ellee sniffed the air and could easily tell which way to go. Even though she was now in a humanoid form, that didn't mean her senses had changed at all. "Come on. Since I am stuck with you, you better do your job as my master."
Ellee huffed and walked out of the room they were in and into a hall that lay directly below the entrance of the cave opening Ivy had fallen into. Ivy followed behind her in somewhat of a daze. Her brain was having a hard time processing everything. One thing she did know was that Ellee was not happy. Ivy could release her but she didn't dare do so. Whether Ellee looked like a normal girl or not did not matter. She was still a Pikachu. If anything, her current form would make her more dangerous. She had already escaped death twice now, she did not wish to test her luck a third time. She knew this was a kind of contradiction since she felt bad for Ellee, but her fear would not allow it.
As they walked down the dark, damp passage, Ivy finally found the courage to ask: "Why are you not attacking me?"
"Well... The main reason is because it's a new experience for me. A change of pace. Like any other pokemon in the forest, I was stuck doing the same thing day in and day out. Hunting for food and hiding from predators who wanted to make me food. It's not every day a pikachu gets to turn into a human. So, even though I can kill you if I wish, I won't. Killing you might turn me back into a normal pikachu. But I will say this now, Master... You need to grow stronger. I don't want a weak master. I will help you along the way, but if you show no signs of improving I might just..." Ellee licked her lips as she looked at Ivy, sending shivers down Ivy's spine. She did not need Ellee to finish her sentence.
Ivy took a deep breath and looked at Ellee with a firm gaze. "It may take me some time to get the hang of things but I promise I will grow stronger."
"Mmm... I like that look in your eye." Ellee had no plans to do anything to her new master. She wanted to enjoy this new form of hers and go to places she had never been. So, if Ivy really did show no signs of growing stronger, she would drop the girl off in a safe place and head out on her own.
It took a while, but the two could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Along the way, Ivy had noticed that the walls were partially rock and or dirt mixed with broken, ruin walls, just like the walls of the room they were in. There were no other rooms along the way. This made Ivy wonder if it was some ancient secret base.
Upon exiting the tunnel, what lay before Ivy was a flat, low, lying meadow. She could see many pokemon roaming about here and there. "This place is..."
"I am not sure. But I do know it is no were near where we met." Ellee replied. The two had basically walked in silence after Ivy asked her question.
"I guess, the journey I have always dreamed about has already started. Ouch... Tsss..." Ivy looked down at herself. Her knees and hands were all scrapped up still. She had not tended to them this entire time. She had also been quite tense this entire time while moving through the underground passage.
"Master, stay here. There are no other pokemon around this area. I will go catch something to eat." Ellee was a little excited. She knew humans cooked their food, so she wondered how cooked food would taste.
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