
Creating Worlds

Pokemon: Merged Worlds Ivys Legacy

***Disclaimer Not Canon***Ivy, a girl from a secluded village in the Kanto Region, had always dreamed of becoming a Pokemon Warrior. But for some reason, all her Pokemon turn into cute girls with their Pokemon traits?Her world is soon turned upside down due to some unforeseen events that have now caused her world to merge with…

Chapter 5

Ivy watched as Ellee ran off into the meadow in a bit of a daze. Everything seemed so surreal to her. She had been dreaming of this moment her entire life, and now here she was... Looking out over a meadow filled with pokemon. She herself even had a pokemon if you could even call Ellee as such anymore. Her dream had come true. She felt bad about not saying goodbye to those in the village, but she figured one day she would return and show them that she had finally become a pokemon warrior.

"Tss... It still hurts... Some warrior I am." Ivy knew she was far from being a proper warrior. She wanted to be able to fight side by side with her pokemon. But to do so, she will need to first train. She still had her short sword at her side. She had not even thought about actually fighting with a sword against a pikachu. Her only instinct at the time was to run.

"I need something... Oh!" Ivy spotted a very common plant not too far away. It had what was called bitterroot leaves. These leaves could help with the pain. Ivy picked a few of the leaves before taking a rock from the ground and grinding them leaves on another rock. Once she was able to grind them into a paste, she scooped up a glob and began spreading it on her wounds. The medicinal effects, when applied like this, would result in a stinging sensation before slowly numbing the area. She made sure to do both her hands as well. To cover the wounds up, she used two larger leaves and some tall, thick grass to make a makeshift bandage. It was not her best work, but it would do for the time being.

Only when she had finished did she begin looking around for some sticks to use to make a fire. This was no easy task since there were no trees nearby. All she could find were bushes. She had no idea if the stems would burn. She hoped Ellee's lightning could make them burn. She stripped the leaves off the thin branches before sticking them into a pile next to a circular rock formation she had built for her campfire.

By the time she was done with her side of things. Ellee returned with four rattata. "Master, I'm back!"

Ivy looked up to see Ellee holding the four rattata by their tails, their fur singed beyond repair. What caught her attention the most was the tail wagging back and forth and the expectant expression on Ellee's face. Ivy wanted to let out a small laugh, but she held it in. "Good job! I will gut them and drain their blood. Help me start a fire. I am not sure if this wood will burn or not or how long it will burn for."

"If you need wood, Master I can go get some. I can run to the tree line and grab some." Ellee was more than willing to help. She had always been curious about humans. Even though she still saw them as food, she was curious about their ways of doing things. She had watched the village from afar from the tops of trees for a long time now. She had even tried to imitate the way humans cooked food but always failed at it. So to be able to finally try cooked food for the first time was exciting to Ellee.

"If it's not too much trouble." Ivy would prefer to have a few logs for the night since the sun was starting to set. She did not want to be without some form of light.

"I will be back!" And just like that, Ellee was off once more. She had already made sure to check if any pokemon were nearby before leaving. She was afraid Ivy would end up dying and she would lose her new form. After running around a bit she found this form much easier to do things. She did not wish to lose it any time soon.

It did not take long for Ivy to finish cleaning the rattatas. It was something she was very accustomed to and had lots of practice doing. She set them up to drain on a rock nearby and waited patiently for Ellee to return. The sun's orange glow cast down over the meadow below. The purples, blues, and whites of the follower patches were mixed into the low-lying grass. It was much different from what she had seen from her village. It made her wonder just how far she had gone from home. They had spent a long time in the tunnel before reaching the exit, plus the time she had spent running away from Ellee, she figured she must be quite far from home now.

While she did want to grab a few mementos of her mother and father she had a feeling she would just end up losing them in the near future. The world outside her village was not a kind place. She had seen the wounded who came from the forest after being attacked by a pokemon. It was not a pretty sight. This was why she always carried a sword on her just in case, even though the area she normally stayed in was considered a safe zone.

"Got some wood!" Ellee returned with a bunch of half-burnt logs. She had spent some time cutting down a few skinnier trees with her lightning.

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