Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 10: Hatching of information

The snake silently passed through the camp but this time no eyes were on her… On account of being perfectly untraceable. Didn’t make her happy but she had no one to blame but herself since she literally made herself.

As Midas rushed back to the centre of her oasis (specifically the water) she couldn’t help but have a conflicted look on her face for a second before returning back to her usual sly grin. While she should be happy that her daughter was being born and very very quickly at that. Yet it was a pain that it was happening right as she was about to experience some dick finally. That was supposed to be her reward for working hard!

<Well they do say being a mother is a thankless job ohohoho~!>

She didn’t wait to enter the water before her body was engulfed in a golden light; once again transforming her into her true serpentine form. From there she slithered into the water as well as the depths of her ‘little’ lake. There she of course made her way towards her clutch of 420 eggs where she instantly spotted the smaller than average one with her very own Ankh. Using the currents of liquid gold to gently lift up the egg and place it in front of herself - only upon seeing herself in the shiny little egg did she realise she forgot to lower her eye scales once more.

Before her little one could awaken she quickly did just that causing the ‘ripples’ to vanish once again.

<Huh, dangerous, don’t want to accidentally hypnotise everything around me ohohoho~!>

With that last thought Midad proceeded to do… Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She just lay there silently watching the egg with excitement visible in those large serpentine eyes and her black forked tongue occasionally flickered out and across the surface of the egg. Got to make sure her child wakes up nice and clean as the next head of their clan (not that she planned to ever hand over all control).

The egg probably did more than Midas did as it occasionally fidgeted about but was always put back into position by the giant snake. To an outsider it probably looked like a sadistic snake waiting for the egg to hatch in order to swallow it whole… So a snake being a snake. It was technically more innocent than that yet a giant snake hovering over a tiny egg is hard to make look innocent. Snakes and eggs only brought one thing to mind for most - vore. Despite common mistakes, many species of snake had the mother actually abandon her own health (not even going out to eat) to ensure her eggs would hatch safely. Although Midas was far more selfish than most snakes she still cared for her direct heir and certainly her descendants a lot more than many dragons do.

Though their race was all greedy so in the future they also made use of each other as long as it caused no harm. In the near future they would quickly spread around as a shameless race that were more greedy than humans yet somehow more unified than Phoenix; in a way their sheer greed was a far sturdier binding than mere ‘racial pride’. It was more efficient to work together with people you understood and nobody understood each other better than a family with a common goal; money!

At current though the {Golden Eulogy Amphiptere} was just a rumoured appearance in the literal middle of nowhere from a few travelling groups. No one even knew a beast such as a ‘Amphiptere’ existed but Midas wanted to change that quickly. Yet nothing else happened above water so the giant snake literally just stared at the little snake without blinking - not that snakes needed to blink. She didn’t need to sleep which was good as it took a few hours for a crack to appear.

Out from the little egg slithered a golden serpent that looked just like herself but seemingly mirrored as the marking on the hatchling was upon the other eye. That wasn’t the only difference as while she was born the size of a regular snake this child was even smaller and was literally smaller than a single scale on her body… But Midas didn’t particularly care that this child was a ‘runt’ as a mammal might.

Physical strength wasn’t important to her and neither was cultivation; she had plenty of descendents (pending) to do the dirty work! What she needed was someone to help manage the entire thing. A second mind to bounce ideas off as well as create new ones without needing constant input/supervision. A second set of eyes to spot something wrong when she wasn’t there too. Someone to lead when she was on vacation!

<Oh, as well as fill in the role as the heir for an immortal serpent!>

With that her tongue began to gently caress her child but not helping the little snake break out all on her own. Instead she patiently waited as she little snake looked around while being enamoured by the shining gold she was hatching into. To many hatching into a gold basin may have been flashy but not to the serpents it wasn’t; more gold the better. The little snake was clumsy though and constantly misjudged swinging her little head around but Midas was surprisingly patient while watching the child orient itself.

After the child had finally done enough studying it looked up to see the giant snake before itself only to dart it’s head back into it’s soft shell in surprise. Midas was amused as she still could easily make out the ‘large’ aquamarine blue eyes glimmering behind the darkness of the egg - the little thing was even playing around with her scale/eyelids as she occasionally saw the blue rings. The little snake was smart enough to quickly realise its own relations to the giant variant so soon slowly pulled it’s head back out of the egg. This time it went out further and slowly slithered out to gaze around and upon seeing the rest of the eggs (bigger than her own) the little snake tilted it’s head; looking down on them with a tyancial and confident gaze.

| Heh, you are indeed my daughter but that issn’t how we pressent oursselvess little one~. Here you go~. | <Midas>

With that sentence Midas’ tongue softly pressed atop the little forehead of her daughter; may be argued that rather than ‘forehead’ it was just head due to their size difference. Regardless, a stream of information filled the little snake's mind. This was from the basics of handshakes to application of the economic principles within various different systems of governance. Most important currently was how to ‘behave’.

The little snake trashed a bit while stretching out her 6 silver wings before wrapping them around herself. After ‘shaking it off’ though, the little snake looked up at her parent and began to speak in a gentle but smart voice. It wasn’t as sultry as her mother but it was certainly youthful and beautiful. Even her previous gaze had turned to become almost concerned as well as curious like an innocent girl interested in learning & improving the world around herself.

| Yess mother, I am ssorry about my dissresspectful behaviour towardss our people, on the other hand I believe I can sshare ssome information bassed on our unique eye marking. It actually coverss our innate abilitiess towardss ssimilar but different topicss. | <Daughter>

| Indeed but go on ahead dear; I am quite interessted in thiss matter~. | <Midas>

| For you Biotech and for me engineering. From what I undersstand in your eye allowss you better inssightss into biological concernss while I cover the more hardware-ssoftware sside of thingss. Of coursse, we appear to have overlap from the knowledge granted to me from our God but that jusst meanss we have great potential when combining our fieldss. | <Daughter>

| Indeed… For thiss reason I may as well pressent you the name Ulwazi shashasha~. | <Midas>

| Thank you mother. Let’ss combine our knowledge to become… Better than the dragonss. | <Ulwazi>

The conversation between the newly hatched daughter & mother was certainly unique.

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