Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 2: A New World of Possibilities… But Boobs Are Still More Important

Mei spent quite some time playing with her breasts - doing absolutely nothing else. Just stood on top of a sandy dune in the vast desert looking down as the black spots on those toffee coloured lumps of heaven harden. Her letting out the occasional hiss as well as moan as the sound of those toffee lumps slapped against one another.

“They sseem bigger in persson than when I was creating thiss form - perhapss I’m bigger than average even in my own kind? No matter; thiss body iss sertainly more advantageouss though it will take awhile to adjusst too… Hm~? It sseemss thingss got more konvenient with us being able to assexually reprodusse shashashasha~!” <Mei>

Dropping her breasts while admiring how overwhelmingly large yet perky they were with a satisfied grin before bringing her right hand across her perky mountains. A crispy *clap* echoed through the empty desert along with a mature & seductive moan. While doing that her left palm moved in front of her as she decided to try something she had just considered - merging the knowledge she learnt about controlling her gold and qi. A clear aqua blue water spread out from the palm in front of herself. Then while it expanded more she compacted the water over and over again to reduce the volume; in a few milliseconds a crystalised mirror of ice formed in front of herself.

Taking in her figure perfectly reflected in the mirror she couldn’t help but comment on her ability to easily take control of the elements. It was partly because she already learned a technique from Akaibu to control the [Eulogy Gold] but this still wasn’t an easy feat. Having learned from Akaibu’s knowledge package as well as the various cultivation novels of her past world, how could she not have a little monologue to brag like a real cultivator!

“Oh and thiss whole world sseemss eassy enough to understand kompared to my old lifess featss… Ass expekted of me shashashasha~!” <Mei>

In truth however, her mind had wandered elsewhere.

<Such a sinful woman I am now but damn this body is great; far superior compared to simply having a set of balls and sausage~!  Ah~ if just slapping my breasts around a little like this feels so amazing with how I made myself... I want a penis in me to wash my insides with it’s thick white man-milk - the more the better~!

Unfortunately, I need to begin preparations before I can even begin to get used to this new humanoid body. I’ll just consider it a possible reward when the begining parts come into place shashashasha~!>

Looking back down on her still jiggling breasts she could see the faint marking of her hand upon the side. Obviously it wasn't because she was actually ‘hurt’ but she had designed the humanoid body of the [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] to be like this - she believed men find it more satisfying like this after all. Something about being able to ‘leave their mark’ on a beautiful woman's body was commonly enjoyed; perhaps why the whole ‘purity of a virgin’ was a highly conflicting topic… Of course she herself knew she couldn’t play the ‘pure virgin’ card so this was the next best thing to enhance satisfaction. This was something for later though.

Turning her head to the mirror she couldn’t help but appreciate how perfect her ‘barbie figure’ was. Although she could be considered a bit over the top by some with breasts that surpassed her soon to be race. They could match even a certain slutty dragon but with a far slimmer figure overall; her hips matching up with the breasts very nicely giving more credence to the simple fact she was outrageously busty. This simply gave her a smug smile - she had no doubt me would instead love this fact and that’s exactly what she wanted.

If she was going to be a woman she was going to enjoy it~!

Taking in her body she admired it before her eyes fell on her abdomen where a rather obvious ‘tattoo’ as soon her hands softly tracing the rich electric blue ankh as she took it in. It was quite obvious what it was the fabled ‘womb tattoo’ but instead of the tribal style it had an Egyptian twist that Mei heavily appreciated - working well with her right eye. It was obviously quite lewd with the scene depicted being quite literally her womb being flooded with cum…

But she wasn’t a shy person.

She wouldn’t have stood completely naked studying her body in the middle of nowhere if she were.

As for less ‘noticeable’ features; her hair was actually also a rich electric blue colour but she had random ‘stripes’ of golden hair mixed in. These of course stood out since they were a metallic gold on an otherwise blue head of hair - said hair falling to just below her shoulders. Her eyes were still snake-like but it was far less obvious. The markings around her eyes were exactly the same as when she was a pure serpent and even her lips seemed to have a rich electric lipstick due to sharing this same trait.

The strange part about her would be that the accents of her body were black - this meant nostrils, inside her mouth (as well as forked tongue), her inverted nipples, anus and even the flower between her plump thighs was black. This was expected by her of course as it was a racial trait she herself decided on. Gives them that ‘unique sexual appeal’ in her opinion; as long as it felt good she had no doubt that flowers would see use.

< Initializing <Query>{Shouldn’t you be all surprised and say stuff like ‘if I can’t have a penis death is better’?} >

“Oh no, where iss Mt.Tao~! No matter what I will scour the three major realms & beyond to find a way to give away thiss vasstly ssuperior body to bekome a boring balding ape male and then go bakk to boring old earth ass a boring old balding ape~!” <Mei>

< Initializing <Response>{Exactly.} >

“I’m not ssome dumb kid that kan’t weigh benefitss. Oh I’m thinking of Midas by the way shashashasha~!” <Mei>

< Initializing <Response>{Midas?} >

“New name - I kan’t exaktly use a manss name afterall~! Speaking of I should have a tail… Oh and my nailss are coloured.” <Midas>

Akaibu decided not to say anything.

Soon a Toffee coloured flicker occurred and soon a serpent tail was formed above Midas’ rear with a silver rattle upon the end. While that was happening she also held her fingers in front of her face and discovered her rectangular nails were decently long with each being a bright colour. From biggest digit to smallest the colours were harlequin, orange, red, navy and yellow.

<So my tail can remain in a spirit or physical state for ease of use… It should be better to keep it in spirit since that way it can launch surprise attacks but I do not intend to use this form for direct combat anyway. Also it feels like there is a hidden message about these colours but I can’t put my finger on it, oh well, I should be ready to begin looking for a good location.>

< Initializing <Query>{Do you not at least want a penis, it would cost you but it’s always possible to provide a <Technique>.} >

Midas was about to begin walking but was halted by the sudden question; she thought about the idea of having a penis again… But the reaction was to just have her begin quivering while her smile faulted for a second before she cleared her throat. Afterwards she just continued walking like nothing had happened.

“No need to wasste Ressourcess at kurrent hahaha...” <Midas>

< Initializing <Response>{X} >



The gigantic 24 meter golden serpent glided through the dry winds of the {Golden Dust Continent} with 6 pearly white wings. The overall appearance of the snake couldn’t be said to be anything but beautiful even with the unusual Ankh that could be seen from below - a few people saw the beast despite it’s height and most of them were tribes as well as merchants. Tribes were disconnected from the wider world so they just thought it a unique beast they’d never heard of but the knowledgeable merchants were shocked and fearful that a dragon that should be extinct was about…

If they approached her with that mindset she may need to make them pay emotional damages due to their slander. It was quite hurtful as well as scarring to be called a ‘dragon’. Who would be pleased about being called one of those lizards when a serpent is clearly superior in just about every way (definitely intelligence)?


Can you eat that?

Serpents can fit a lot in their mouth so she was doubtful that would fill her belly!

Regardless, some people were dumber than others and a group of ‘Young Heros’ from the {Purple Cobra Sect} were that exact type. The group of five were inner disciples thus were all within the Qi Consolidation Realm - a group of four men and one girl. They weren’t even particularly impressive among their own sect as the highest ranked one among them was only 5th level. The rest of the men were 3rd and the girl was 4th. Of course, as cultivators they looked fairly young but it was clear they weren’t ‘peerless’ in any way - certainly not in

“This mission was so boring yet we needed to travel so far, feels like my hair is going to curl at this rate, tch!” <Female Cultivator>

“Trust mortals to mistake a starving {Black Armoured Spider} for a {Death Army Scorpion} *snort*! To think they even wanted to withhold payment for us not finding the scorpion. Got what was coming to him.” <5th Qi Consolidation Cultivator>

“Heh, his face when we dragged out his mother and daughter and had our way was priceless.” <Male Cultivator>

“Mortal women feel even better since you can do whatever you want - heh that sister's face when watching her older sister break before realizing I was going to do the same to her. Even better when she woke up while I unleashed in that eager womb, this is why chosing a poison sect was the right choice~!” <Male Cultivator>

“Hey, is it just me or is there a gold bar in the sky!” <Male Cultivator>

“No, that seems like a serpent? I would like a pet I suppose...” <Woman>

“It could possibly be a {Flying Snake} but with it’s scales seem too pure so it may be a legendary [Heavenly Dragon] from the {God Age} that has since gone extinct!” <5th Qi Consolidation Cultivator>

“Eh? Then try to capture it if we can't, let's just kill it! It’s body alone would make us rich enough to surpass sect masters' cultivation!” <Female Cultivator>

With that said they didn’t need any more convincing as all of them launched their strongest long ranged attacks… Which of course didn’t hit. The thing about being so large as Midas while flying far up in the air; many mistake you for being small. Feeling the intentions and qi techniques did catch her attention though. Letting her tongue out of her mouth as she let out a soft hiss, turning around midair to look in the direction of the attacks coming at her from far away at a slow pace she couldn’t help but laugh at how pathetic they were.

Something even more shocking happened as Midas’ voice echoed into their heads.

|Oh~ are we trading hitss? Well I ssupposse it would be rude not to sshare ass well shashashasha~!| <Midas>

At this the group shivered; for this flying beasts (which they now believed was a serpent not dragon for ‘sertain’ reasons) to be able to talk to them in their minds meant two things. The beast were matured enough to understand language as well as very highly skilled with mental communication... And, that meant another thing.

It was powerful.

They also just attacked it.

Seeing that beast get larger and larger they began to shudder which meant they could only do one thing.

“Y-you stupid woman, see what you’ve done with your greed?!” <5th Qi Consolidation Cultivator>

“Yea, if this wasn’t you wanting to capture it

“How is this my fault! I wasn’t interested until you mentioned it might be a dragon-!” <Female Cultivator>

|Oh~ I ‘might be a dragon’ shashasha~? Remind me, what iss thiss lissard you kall a ‘dragon’~?| <Midas>

The group turned around only to see two giant cold aquablue reptilian eyes gazing back at them. A serpent - larger than them by an insane amount - silently following behind them. Just silently slithering in what seemed a casual manner and now that they looked upon it a single thought entered their mind.

How could this creature ever be an immature dragon or mere {Flying Snake}? Not only was it’s scales like pure gold and it’s eyes like the most sacred oasis’, but it’s pressure alone felt like they were trying to carry a mountain on their back. It’s ability to sneak up on them despite it’s size showed that it was nowhere as weak as an ‘immature dragon’ while it’s black tongue that slithered out of it’s mouth was unlike anything they felt… Not to mention that soft scent of caramel lathered toffee that seemed to draw their adoration as well as their desire.

The symbols on it’s left eye also made them feel a level of profoundness they had yet seen even among the strongest and eldest of their sect. Even when viewing the {Competition of Heaven’s Chosen} only few things could they think of being in the same ballpark and none of them were from humans or small-time Beast Clans. Because of this, they of course stopped in their tracks as it was clear that attempting to run at this point would just be offensive thus resulting in a worse fate… As they stopped the serpent

“S-senior must be joking, they are the kings of all reptile-” <Male Cultivator>

Before he could finish what he was saying the snake opened up its mouth as the space in front of itself seemed to become distorted and seemed to encase around the male. A soft *splat* could be heard and the rest felt something ‘wet’ fall on them. It didn’t end there as within a few more moments the cultivator who previously talked about taking advantage of mortals with alchemic compounds and instantly tried to butter up the woman (snake) in front of him…

Turned into pure gold.

To say they were shocked would be an understatement! How could someone just suddenly turn into gold right in front of them with light just distorting softly? They could only imagine it was some kind of high leveled spacial technique/breath but they couldn’t figure out exactly what happened. Afterall, they were just tiny little cultivators who were only in the 2nd major realm so who were they to be able to understand the ways of such an impressive beast! However, it didn’t stop them from trying to get this beast on their side. They just had to find out the reason their ally was attacked and for the 5th level it seemed obvious.

“I apologise for my friends words, he obviously meant that dragons like yourself are the s-” <5th Qi Consolidation Cultivator>

The exact same fate happened to him as well.

“Of course no dragon can match you senior, you are the true drag-” <Female Cultivator>

It needn’t be said.

At this point Midas was bored of this little game and opened her large mouth again causing the other two to piss themselves quite literally. It was certainly something she enjoyed but this time she merely yawned out of boredom so decided to end things - as long as one made it out alive she would get what she wanted.

|Thiss [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] is quite bored of your pointlessss drivel so I’ll jusst give you your punisshment.| <Midas>

That name made the two shiver; what dragon? It was quite clear the reason the other three of them had died was purely for the reason they thought this ‘snake’ was a dragon thus caused her to be angry! While technically this was their fault how could they not be angry and she was also about to give them another reason to be angry.

[Golden Sunday]

A powerful flap of her wings caused the entire area around them to be engulfed in golden sands - this sandstorm though was far beyond anything they had ever experienced before. The sand itself was like thousands of little blades slicing through them. Not only that but the power alone of the initial winds had sent them flying into the air and the blade like gold dust not only constantly slicing them and even keeping them stuck midair. Throwing them back and forth so they couldn’t tell where they were.

Midas decided to snack on one of them as well as the golden statues before leaving the last one. If he dies he would’ve never made it back to his sect by himself anyway! So, with that, only the one who had originally spotted her left as she quickly flew through the massive sandstorm that many other people had long noticed. Those hearing that a giant Golden Serpent brought one thought to their mind - if it was true a new power has appeared in the desert.

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