I May Misunderstand The Term ‘Hero’

This is a novel about a little dragon discovering herself and refusing to conform to anyone else's standards of her! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Art originally by 'Metal Owl' - request to be taken down will be heeded -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What is a hero? What would you do if suddenly a…

Side Story 3: Strongest Chess Match


All that could be heard or seen in the dark room was the sound of wooden chess pieces hitting against the board. The board itself was made from a mixture of Agar and Grenadil woods expertly placed in a light blue, mithril, metal frame.

In other words, it was quite expensive. Likely not even something a king could afford due to the lack of a magical presence in the two woods. One may say that as mana enforces the woods it should be more expensive… But in a world filled with mana rarity comes into play and it becomes a collectors item.

The ray of light that showed off the moves made by the two femmine hands. The one on the black side would have smaller hands with pure black that extended from the tips of her fingers. The other in comparison was plane but larger - still obviously femminie.

Each took but a second to make a move but it seemed that the small hand was at the disadvantage as she had already lost a lot of her pieces but she didn’t seem to care much.

Other than the board and the hands nothing else seemed visible in the inky darkness. The figure of the two women however was clear to the mouse-man thanks to his proximity to them.

One was 5 foot with an overall slim and slender build while the other was more voluptuous and far taller - likely 7 foot as she was taller than the man. Worse yet - from the tall woman came a dense pressure that weighed down on him and made the darkness itself waver slightly.

The little one… He felt nothing from. No mana, no fighting spirit and no killing intent. As such, he only turned his attention to the large woman who was clearly far stronger than he could imagine.

Turning towards the mature woman he would begin to speak.

“I-I’ve done as you asked, mistress Munzumira. Here is the information you wanted written dow-” <Mouse-Man>

“The sword is the only thing I care for and I am certainly not a mistress. It may be best if you face someone wall talking to them.” <Mature Woman>

Chuckling, the mature woman moved the back of her hand over to where one would assume her mouth to be. Her voice was calming and soft - suiting her mature figure well as one word came to the mind of the mouse.


Munzumira was known to have quite a few children so it wouldn’t be an incorrect term for her and she certainly suited the term from what he heard.

Deciding it best to stay on her good side while smiling at her also telling him not to call her mistress.

“Yes - it would seem like the katana used by {The Infinite Mother} - {True Mercy} - has been gifted from the Earl to the king Orrid himself so I believe it would be difficult to steal-” <Mouse-Man>

The pressure felt on him increased, forcing him to kneel in front of the pair of woman as the mature woman lifted her chin up to look down on him. The room began to light up with a green hue as it showed the mature woman to in fact have her eyes closed as her hair would be tied up into a loose ponytail that came to her waist. Tied with a turquoise bow at the end.

On her side of the table would be two sheaths - both with a slight curve and one having a gem encrusted on a golden coloured alloy while the other would seem a bit more plain.

“Oh? You think some pitifully pathetic kingdom gallivanting as an empire can steal my blade while I rest - then claim ownership so I’m ‘stealing’?” <Someone Who Dislikes Orrid Clearly>

“I-I didn’t mean that mistres-” <Mouse-Man>

“Have I not stated I am not a mistress? I suppose someone who came from that kingdom wouldn’t have a basic education on how things work on the outside of their little-” <Someone Who Dislikes Orrid Clearly>

“Hm… Checkmate, that makes another win for me.” <Small Woman>

The pair would go silent to turn to the other woman then look at the board - the mature woman's brow furrowed as the mouse just looked to be in a mixture of relief and annoyance.

“Don’t you th-” <Mouse-Man>

“You may leave now, I have no further need for you.” <Small Woman>

“Who are you to order me in front of-” <Mouse-Man>

Standing up he would take a single step forward towards the smaller of the pair only to feel a slight prick on the sole of his foot as his heart began to feel heavy and muscles ached to a point where they hurt. By the time he took the second he felt even weaker than when he was under the pressure of the mature woman. Collapsing completely while panting desperately.

In a way, this was more terrifying.

“I’m Munzumira - my favourite title the world gave me was back in the first great war ‘{The Woman Everyone Fears}’. Quite amusing isn’t it?” <Munzumira>

Despite her saying that she seemed completely disinterested  as she merely reached down without even looking at him, grabbing the document he had drafted up.

“Ah, so you say you’ve planted my little present… Hm - also I’d say you have a point about the education Mother. We do have our little pair that need a proper upbringing afterall.” <Munzumira>

“Yes, then clearly we should have them adventurer towards the elve-” <Mother>

“Calm yourself, they are still 7 and it will be best to let them build up power first then have them shipped off to an academy but I believe we should go with their wishes. For now though…” <Munzumira>

Turning towards the Mouse, he was simply terrified.

He felt nothing from the small woman in front of him but somehow he knew… He knew she was the cause of his unknown suffering. Those eyes that turned towards him looked as if the galaxy itself made their home in them - even to the extent that it was animated in such a way where one could just barely see the actual shifting of the stars and galaxies held within.

Her long wavy hair was the exact same as her eyes but on an understandably larger surface.

How could he have felt nothing from her?

“If you're curious as to what you're feeling - that’s a little poison I quickly drew up. It will quickly thicken your blood till it comes to a consistency of jello. In fact, it makes a pretty good snack I’ve heard from {Pandora The Ancient Evil Dragon} so I suppose it shall be a gift to her. How I got it in your system - well you simply stepped on a needle at the right angle in order to hit the dorsalis pedis which then had the poison spread making your own blood spread the effect. Quite nasty and only requires a bit of talent to make - now you know how you died. An unfortunate error.”<Munzumira>

“Let's be honest, you placed that needle down before we started our game. Per usual you knew exactly what was going to happen - though once again I’m impressed you didn’t even need to use your {Insight}...” <Mother>

“If I needed the ability I wouldn’t have gained access to the ability. My true {Unique Skill} is this after all.” <Munzumira>

A faint grin crept onto her face as she turned to Mother, tapping her temple with her left index.

“Say, his wish was to gain access to the future was it not? I’d say even if he’s going to die you should hold up your end else you’d be no better than a ruffian.” <Mother>

Shaking her head in disapproval of Munzumira’s conduct.

“Isn’t that the exact term you used to describe me?” <Munzumira>

“What else do you call a girl who dragged the entire world into war a few years after the first so that she could drag down a primordial god?” <Mother>

“Mistress.” <Munzumira>

Seemingly losing interest she would look into the eyes of the man as Mother seemed to huff softly and cross her arms while shaking her head.

“I’ll show you all possible futures a bit before you step forward then. After all, I dislike loose ends.” <Munzumira>

As she said that her the stars in her eyes began to open up, what they opened up to was terrifying as within each star would be another of Munzumira’s eyes and within that would be more stars that would open up.

Finding himself lost in a mixture of terror and intrigue he would begin to get visions. In each of There he found four possible futures.

One where he steps back onto a needle, one where he walks back to the entrance onto a needle, the current one and lastly… One where he stays where he currently is and ends up living due till he dies of thirst.

There were different versions of each but every one ended in the same way.

He was never meant to leave this room.

Though even then he would die very slowly but the two woman didn’t worry about that.

“Well one last person from that horrid country I suppose.” <Mother>

Shaking her head gently.

“Well, if it makes you feel better, he did bring harm to our new little {Hero}. My I also add that I have strong reason to believe not only is she a {High-Dragon} but also a {Spirit} due to her ‘close’ bond to a Nymph. Perhaps we should gift them some high quality plants as it would benefit us all for the {Hero} to have a safety net in the form of immortality?” <Munzumira>

“It is rather convenient that she falls under your banner - speaking of that wouldn’t it be even simpler if you instead just accepted that cradle into a sub-cradle of the {Spirit Capital}?” <Mother>

“I hold onto the exclusivity of the {Cradle of the Wise} though it is true I could consider that little cow for when the nymph turns her - this is why I suggest the plants as it increased the collection of spirit that the queen of a cradle would have… Well if it’s a forest based one. Obviously the {Cradle of the Wise} is far from natural - even I admit.” <Munzumira>

Chuckling at the comment with a soft shake of her head.

“That’s well and good but I have another question… Why are you willing to find casus belli when usually to stay in the background thus need no such reasoning to please the Pillars?” <Mother>

Leaning closer to the table mother would open her eyes finally, showing off that she had no actual pupil in the centre of her pinkish red eyes. They were merky with no sign of end - like a bottomless sea that, while calm at current, could flood the entire world should that change. Easy to get lost in in two meanings.

“Well, my first reason, my ow- assistant Athena managed to get herself reincarnated into that country but due to the practices they use on noble women at birth she was bound by magic so she couldn’t return to me.” <Munzumira>

“If you have her as a pet you needn’t put up a front to make it seem like something else.” <Mother>

“My second is they managed to claim Jeeves’ bod-” <Munzumira>

“They know about him?! Why are we waiting here, that kind of information is forbidden to most gods, never mind some random kingdom!” <Mother>

“Calm down, they just have a mortal corpse not access to the real thing. We simply need to erase them before they stop thinking dumb thoughts like ‘Jeeves is dead’. Even then they’ll probably switch to the obvious answer that it’s a hereditary title I give but that idea disgusts me as it suggests I’d sleep with one of my husbands children…” <Munzumira>

“They never said having a harem was eas-” <Mother>

“I’m not done yet… It’s time for my third reason…” <Munzumira>

Munzumira’s disinterested tone that made it seem like everything was beneath her and hardly worth a second glance suddenly turned into something… Darker. Like pure hatred was boiling in her throat and it was preparing to burst out.

The shadows in the room seemed to thrash around which made Mother raise a brow since it was very difficult to piss off Munzumira… But that was a good thing because she was terrifying before being angry so to actually make her angry.

There was one thing.

“I’m assuming they found a child of yours then?” <Mother>

Closing her eyes once more and leaning with her back against the chair with a long sigh but it wasn’t to put down Munzumira. It was a pity for their foolishness.

To touch a child of Munzumira was akin to making an enemy of the world. Even if Mother’s child was touched it would be hard to find as much movement from the world. The first to move would obviously be Munzumira herself and that would obviously lead to Jeeves moving like the leashed dog he was.

However, due to how much he looks up to his older sister who raised him and liked his nieces and nephew, Photon would also move. While he may not move the {God Hunters} due to it being a ‘personal matter’ he hardly fucking needs that.

Lastly, Mother would likely agree to move. After all the one thing they agreed about and found common ground to bury the century old hatched was that very thing. They wished to see their daughters grow up.

Thus, for someone to attempt to use a child of Munzumira (no matter how they go about it) us akin to sucide. However, this seems to be mass suicide.

“It seems like one of the women I had a fling with happened to be the queen of that kingdom. She was apparently executed but they kept the child as a princess - giving her the full treatment you’d expect such as ‘ensuring they remain loyal to the men in their life’ also known as a slave mark. More expensive than a collar but hardly better. The codger also left me with this.” <Munzumira>

Appearing from out of nowhere would be a crumpled up letter with the earth dragon crest - an Elder Earth Dragon being the guardian of the country of Orrid - and threw it over to Mother who read through it quickly enough… Weird considering she never opened her eyes but still took it out and held it up to her face as one would if they did so.

Placing it down she would open her eyes but this time in raw confusion.

“Surely this is a jest?” <Mother>

Shaking her head she would lay back in her chair, crossing her legs and her arms resting on their rests. Afterall, if she could easily afford something novel like a one of a kind chess set she would have some half decent arm chairs. Made from world tree wood and with cushions stuffed with Phoenix feathers of course.

Tapping the armrest with her right finger she would look at Mother’s confused face, something she didn’t manage to see much. But, truthfully, such a dumb move was beyond her reasoning as well so it was more of a ‘now someone else is in my position’ feeling.

“It would seem that the ‘king’ of the Orrid ‘Empire’ wishes to court me - having me excuse my male harem members while letting him have his way with my wives. As what is mine will be his afterall, right? Afterall, I, {Madame The Insight} {Pillar of the Shadow} {The Woman Everyone Fears} (I can go on) cannot do anything because he holds one of my daughters hostage. If I do not agree he shall wed her himself so it’s a win win for him.” <Munzumira>

“I believe this is your casus belli…” <Mother>

Shaking her head softly Munzumira would sigh.

“As easy as it would be to use this as my reasoning they can claim that it’s a lie. While that wouldn’t really pose a problem they could also just give me the child and claim I never made the request in the first place… But my first daughter has informed me that she can give me some help since she is also a High-Dragon but… I don’t need to tell you about her do I? Why do you still keep her locked away?” <Munzumira>

As attention was turned to Mother she would freeze up and move her mouth only for no words to form. Closing her eyes she’d shake her head and lean back.

“If she wanted to break out she could now but…” <Mother>

“You realize you acted oto rashly, don't you? All she has done is bring order to the {Dreamscape} where you locked her - something you should be familiar with since it was what resulted from the great war you lead. After that… Well she certainly has her heads in the clouds. Lazy and slutty would be the best terms I believe.” <Munzumira>

“You realize that's your adopted daughter yo- No, you don’t care what your daughters do as long as they're safe and happy… I agree however. I claimed her as the worst thing to exist which is what happened to me as well - rather hypocritical I admit.” <Mother>

“Mother, how long are we staying here. Elizabeth 2 keeps stealing my underwear to sniff-” <?>

“I told you to call me mom or something more casual, it’s unsettling for my own daughter to refer to me by ‘Mother’... It’s awkward.” <Mother>

Chuckling gently as a 5’5 silver haired (that glowed like the moon in the night sky) girl jogged up to her with her eyes also closed. She wouldn’t exactly be voluptuous but she had some slight curvature to her frame. Just not a lot. She would seem quiet but had quite the sporty body type.

“Oh just ignore Little Liz, she’s too busy trying to switch teams she refused to be honest with herself. She’s just repressed.” <Munzumira>

“I-I’m not gay, just checking in case you had an accident...” <Elizabeth 2?>

A timid voice came out from the darkness to confront Munzumira, a 5’6 girl with a small chest but clearly above average butt. came in nervously while clutching her chest and trying to make herself the smallest thing in the room.

“Don’t lie to your mom.” <Munzumira>

“S-sorry… No but I’m-” <Elizabeth 2>

“Nobodies going to judge you if you just admit it you know… But I suppose you never will as it’s your gimmick.” <Munzumira>

Closing her eyes and waving her concern away with a long sigh. All her children turned out ‘unique’ and she had come to terms with it by now.

“Could you do me a huge favour Little Liz? There was a new {Hero} born and she’s a {Spirit-High-Dragon} like your older sister, I’m thinking of having her learn at your younger brother's country. I believe the name was {Goberz Kingdom}? Since your an {S-Rank Adventurer} you can take a job in about 3 years to take them - I believe you enjoy the country and Sierra over there loves to visit male brothels so you can go together.” <Munzumira>

“Eh? Okay mom…” <Elizabeth 2>

“Male Brothels huh?” <Mother>

“Ah! W-well I, urm, yea, y’know? I- but wait! I’d never sleep with a goblin or hobgoblin, aren’t they diseased and stuff?!” <Sierra>

Quite understandably Sierra would be quite red while flapping and flailing her arms around while trying to find excuses to tell her mother, Mother.

“Don’t be racist, you are a demi-god after all, they just look a bit weird. According to Chaos they are quite fine as no women have shown any signs that would prove such rumours correct - it’s likely a placebo.” <Munzumira>


“I have to take a page out of Mu’s book here. If you wish to sleep with a goblin I am fine with it as long as you stay safe… On the other hand what I am interested in is grandkids. To see a man would be nice but I will try to be less conservative if it’s for you dear.” <Mother>

A warm smile on her face as she would face her blushing child.

“It’s just for rel-” <Sierra>

“I don’t need to worry about grandkids myself~. After All, Big Liz captured the Lord of all Incubi - the one who had a dictatorship in the dreamscape as his domain - and one thing led to another and she created a new Demon Lord of Lust, and Destruction as well as the entire Succubus race along with gaining a new play toy as she put it.” <Munzumira>

Chuckling softly as she leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed. A smug smile on her lips.

“You really are an open mother…” <Mother>

“Well she’s an honest child, I guess it rubbed off on me.” <Munzumira>

Lifting her shoulders in a shrug.

“Little Liz, make sure to take the trash away on your way out. He’s set to go as a present for Pandora.” <Munzumira>

“Eh~ but aunt Pandora doesn’t really like me…” <Elizabeth 2>

“That’s because you made a move on her but then avoided her since. I think everyone would be less than thrilled about that.” <Munzumira>

Sighing, Munzumira shook her head while resting her forehead on her right arm that came up to catch it as she lowered her posture on her chair.

<I’m surrounded by idiots…>

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