Love Heart Online: Yandere’s Game of Change

The entire world had changed; from flying cars to flying horses as the adventurers from the game became hunters in real life. Nobody entered Love Heart Online expecting to be merged with their in-game character nor did they expect for the game to slowly influence real life in more ways that just economically. But when…

Chapter 044: A Scale-less Lizard

\_PoV Armor-Cordis_/



All I can feel keeping me conscious is a constant unfettered burning pain. Specifically coming from my right eye or, rather, where my right eye used to be. It was too much to hold in so I could only scream out as the pain showed no intentions of ever letting up no matter how much time passed.

Never - even within both of my two lives - had I experienced anything close to the level of agony I was being forced to bear at the moment. I had previously thought that I had undergone the worst of the worst when it came to suffering; my first life was literally spent constantly suffering. From waterboarding,  having flesh cut from muscle, nails pulled out, electricity run through my limbs, sexual abuse and of course hot iron branding which you’d think would be similar to this.

It was not.

Not even nearly on the level of this.

There was no series of words in the many human languages (that I could speak fluently) that I could use to explain just how much I was being tormented by this. The only language I could use would be the spiritual language I learned from that quest; even then I am sure those who “listened” would instantly become insane due to bearing a minute level amount I could pass onto them. At this point I am only able to hold on due to sheer stubbornness and spite - I refuse to give up before even knowing the name of the bitch responsible for this.

I wasn’t afraid of that violet eyed cunt, far from it, instead I just felt raw unyielding rage that nearly matched the level of pain I felt. A fact that was only helped by the constant noises of this new system. No idea whether to be happy that it was keeping me sane or irritated at how mother-damned annoying this shit is.

Should I regret not checking earlier or consider it another reason to scream out loud?

Trying to see where I was only caused a sudden force to push me down on the ground although, to be perfectly fair, I didn’t even know I was lying down till just then. Now it also brought the question of who/what was keeping me pinned down. An answer I soon found myself literally face to face with.

Behind square frames were two beautifully haunting magenta eyes met my own - staring into them was like falling into the endless depths of the ocean. It was hard not to get lost in them, the pressure gradually pulling you in deeper, with your body not even trying to escape their pull. Slits of jade-green gave those deep eyes emotion that was previously unable to be found… Filled with childish glee as well as some… Annoyance?

“Ara~ Ara~ stop being such a little cry baby ehehehe~!” Her voice being nearly melodic with a strange combination of kind motherliness and playful childishness. I wanted to know what exactly the girl looked like but I was not exactly in the right condition to make out anything that wasn’t glowing obviously. My vision is completely blurry to the point where only her eyes had any clarity.

Although it did make me wonder why a sassy child was sitting atop me.

Somehow she gave me the creeps; not the same as “this doll looks too human” but instead “I am in front of a genocidal dictator” which was certainly a strange feeling from someone smaller than I am. Although I did feel a familiar feeling of a massive chest… Resting on my chest. No way a girl that size could-

“Hey~ your boobs are nearly as big as mine~ that’s impressive~!” That soft body started to grind against mine as she leaned toward the right side of my face which I strangely couldn’t see from. My face began to feel wet as that burning finally began to fade. Plus… It was hard not to feel a warmth beginning to form between my thighs and tips of my chest.

Leaning back she looked back as if taking in her work - seconds later her little hand reached out towards where my right eye was supposed to be. Moving her face closer to mine as a warm pair of plump lips enveloped my own in their soft embrace for a mere moment. “You’re so lucky I am here; just lie back and let… Well I can’t use that title now but I’ll make sure you feel way better teehee~!”

That strangely seductive yet spine chilling voice was the last thing I heard before a dark caress took hold of my consciousness.




When I come around I hear the sounds of nature all around; the rustling of foliage along with the various critters running through them.

Although my head still felt heavy; similar to the feeling when I’m in my own version of the  “birthday suit”.

No longer do I feel that torment from the right side of my face so I am more than happy to open my eyes to see the no doubt refreshing scene. Maybe I’ll even see that strange girl who seemingly was responsible for my improved health - although she also seemed like a perverted big breasted brat so we may have some… Things of interest to talk about.

Opening my eyes, though, I am immediately met with something quite confusing to me.

My vision is… Lacking on the right side.

“Finally awake~?” That now familiar voice entered my ears as I looked around to try to find the source while silently taking note that we were currently a few miles away from the port city. In specific; we were overlooking the city from a hill - surrounded by the greenery of nature while several plumes of smoke still rose from the city to show that the chaos was at the very least recent. Meaning I likely did not lose too much time.


“Ara~ you seem to like these ehehehe~.” In front of me now stood a girl at what I approximate (using my [Range Finder] skill) as 4’2 but it was hard to actually mistake her for a child. Especially as her forearms crossed under the biggest pair of breast’s I’ve ever seen - making her squeeze them between her upper arms due to their size - causing them to spill out her grasp and essentially hide her arms.

Those dragons were held within a Japanese top, I think, that she had open enough to fully expose her cleavage yet manage to hide the colour just on the tip. Strangely she wore a more western style black corset with crimson laces - standing out a lot from her lilac “shirt”. She even had a billowing white asian coat that was clearly way too big for her as it trailed along the ground as she walked up to me.

A soft *pap* from below made my eyes unconsciously turn downward to see that her hips were just as heinously colossal.

<I am willing to make a sacrifice for the sake of humanity…>

Her ass was impossible.

Plain and simple.

She was wearing a pair of short flared skirt that matched her corset, three decently large gourds sat upon her left hip, which allowed me to peek under to see those plump thighs of hers. It appeared she was a supporter of garter belts and absolute territory as some lilac thigh highs magnificently stuck out from the darker colour of her skirt. Finishing off with a pair of… Sandals on her feet?

They weren’t flat bottom but wooden with two blocks on the bottom - probably giving her a much needed extra inch. Although she was still able to look down on me considering I was lying down. “You look rather hungry… Do you want to eat up~.”

Those massive tits being pressed right up to my face making it impossible to ignore her strange yet alluring scent that blended the sea with rum.




<< {user}.[Armor-Cordis] Is A Pervert>>



Just when I was becoming blessed enough to forget your existence.



<< You Are Welcome >>



Now I just need to check out my new, clearly superior, system. 



<< {software}.[Bi-ocular Integrated Training Chassis Hex (BITCH)] Is At Least Smart Enough To Recommend You Check Your Right Eye Before Getting Your Freak On >>



What are yo-

Why can’t I see out of my right eye?

Moving my hand up revealed that there seemed to be an eyepatch over my eye which caused a sigh of relief to unconsciously slip through my lips. Although that relief was quickly robbed when I realised that no light came to my eye even after lifting that eyepatch up. A dainty hand moving to bring the eyepatch down once again… Not that it actually changed much; other than to prevent an eerie hollowness from being pointed out by the cold ocean winds.

“What… Happened to my eye?”

“What eye ehehehe~?” That girl jumping backwards with all the grace of a ballerina - letting me once again take in her whole appearance. Though this time I found myself more focused on her face. Her face being even cuter and more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Having chubby cheeks that had weird golden lines that were met perpendicular by shorter lines; kind of like those long out of date aerials?

Those plump pink pillows curled up into a smile that blended kindness with the kind of sadism that only a child could exhibit. Lilac hair freely flowed down her back in a massive braid that had a large tricorn hat sitting atop, a blue feather sat proudly upon it, that probably would have covered her face…

If not for the horns… Or branches?

Sticking other foreheads were a beautifully divine pair of branches that proudly rose to challenge the heavens (or some bullshit) that had a faint golden tint to them. I also finally noticed that it wasn’t only a fat ass back there. A long white, faintly lilac, salamander tail with no scales came out from just above her butt.

Something in my blood told me to not trust her blanket kindness or beautiful appearance…. But also not fuck with her.

“Kids these days are so serious~!”

But I still want to kill her.

At least until I looked above her head to find the system info on her.

[{True God With Lost Name} Lvl ∞]



<< {software}.[BITCH] Recommends Praying To Whatever False Idols We Believe In >>


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