Pokemon: Merged Worlds Ivys Legacy
Chapter 6
"Mmm... Sosh gowd. Cowked Fwood is deelpsh." Ellee currently had a roasted rattata in her hands with her cheeks stuffed full of its meat. She had always wanted to try cooked food, and now here she was eating such a delicacy. She really couldn't get enough of the juicy taste as the meat's fatty oils bathed her mouth with delicious goodness.
Ivy giggled, watching Ellee eat. She could understand where Ellee was coming from when trying some new for the first time that was tasty. She missed the days when her mother would bake her snacks using a sugar root, making them extra sweet. Such memories were all she had left now. But at least she was no longer alone. And her dream has just started coming true. She may have had her relatives and the rest of the village helping her all these years, but in the end, when she returned home to her empty house, that was what greeted her. Emptiness.
It would be a lie to say that Ivy was never lonely because she was. But that was over now. She had Ellee at her side now. This thought alone, even with all the unknowns in front of her, made Ivy feel happy. She was really a pokemon warrior now. From what she knew, to even get started, she would need to find a town with a pokelab. She would need to register there to become an official pokemon warrior. But with her current situation it would be hard for her to explain to anyone that she did not need the normal pokedex or pokeballs.
She didn't dare tell anyone about her current abilities. She knew that her situation was nowhere close to being normal. She would first hone her skills out in the wilds, only stopping in cities to get what supplies she might need. She did wish to buy another set of clothes and undergarments. She also wanted to get some light armor if at all possible. As a pokemon warrior, you had to have at least light armor to help protect yourself.
"What's wrong you haven't taken a bite yet." Ellee was licking the grease off her fingers when she noticed Ivy staring absentmindedly at her.
"I was just thinking, with you here, I will no longer be alone and I can also accomplish my dreams. I will need to work harder to become stronger but it will be worth it." Ivy replied as she took a bite of her grilled rattata.
Ellee looked at Ivy blankly for a few seconds before smiling herself. She, too, had been alone all this time. But that was because she had no choice. She had been kicked out of her pack. The leader was worried that she would usurp his position, so he kicked her out before she got too powerful. It had been two years since then. She had fought hard for her little territory that she could call her own. She might have had her own place to call her own, but she was always on the lookout for danger. There was no telling when another pokemon would come by and try to challenge her for her territory. So, finding out that Ivy was also alone made her feel that being captured was not so bad. They now had each other. Whether it was against her will or not, she would watch over this master of hers to see if she would actually do as she had promised and grow stronger.
As night settled in, Ivy leaned up against the rock near the campfire and watched as the flames danced about over the wood. Ellee sat next to her with her legs crossed, playing with her toes. She was only now getting a chance to inspect her new body. The thing she found weird and a little restrictive was the two blobs on her chest. While they were not too big and not too small, they were still strange to her. She had been messing with them earlier when Ivy told her not to do such things out in the open. Since Ivy had a look on her face that said I dare you to try to play with them again she could only relent and check them out when they were in an unopen place. So she began inspecting her fingers and toes.
Ellee found them to be very strange compared to her claws. They had no sharp claws attached to them. In fact, besides the dirt from her walking around stuck to the bottom of her feet, they were white with a hint of pink to them. And neatly trimmed. It was the same for her fingers as well. There were no claws. Not that it mattered since she had always used her lightning.
As Ellee was inspecting herself, she felt something bump into her left shoulder. She turned her head to see Ivy sound asleep, leaning against her shoulder. "This master... Doesn't she realize that I could easily kill her at anytime?" Ellee sighed but did not wake the girl. She went back to her business, letting Ivy sleep.
When morning's first light shone down on the two girls, Ivy woke up first and looked around in confusion. It took her a few seconds to wake up completely. Only then did she remember everything she had gone through. "Right... I am a Pokemon Warrior now..."
Ivy noticed the fire was still going. She looked over at Ellee, who was still asleep with the stick she had been using to stoke the fire and smiled. "No wonder I was not cold at all. I will be sure to make something good later on as long as we have something to eat that is..."
Ivy figured it would not be a problem for Ellee to hunt a few more rattata after she woke up. For now, Ivy could only go behind the bushes nearby to relieve herself. Only when she was done and felt she was completely clean did she return to the camp to find Ellee awake, messing with the fire to get a new campfire going. She had not even gotten ten steps near Ellee before Ellee suddenly said: "I will go get breakfast. You cook it."
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