Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 6: Brief history of the shiny shit continent

In the arid desert a group of humanoids fought their way through the boiling sun all for the chance to return back to their home of {Flaming Tiger City} after a long journey touring the {Central Cities}. It wasn’t as simple as just restocking water & food at each city before moving on but resting to recover strength. It wasn’t just physical either (though that was certainly a requirement after the harsh physical requirements to ‘safely’ cross) but also mental. It wasn’t uncommon for someone to break down mid trip if they weren’t experienced or well rested. They also would have less focus if they held off on resting which was as good as asking to be ambushed by beasts & bandits (perhaps both with the {Gold Desert Beast Clans} being as they were).

The leader of this group was probably one of the most experienced people when it came to crossing this desert though; such a rookie mistake would never occur but something else had. In the distance, on a route he had travelled for hundreds of years, he spotted a tower of gold shimmering in the distance. This was after they managed to navigate by a seemingly never ending sandstorm that they saw cut up some bait they had thrown in (just the corpse of some beast they had stored in a spacial pouch).

The old dark skinned leader looked to the man in charge of the security on this trip only to see a conflicted look on the man. That wasn’t to say that the large man was a security guard though; he and the rest of the security were actually mercenaries hired by the merchant called Adjar through the {Mercenary Union}. The large man was just the head of a group of twenty-five mercs that Adjar had hired.

All of them had cloth wrapped around their head with baggy clothing that wouldn’t cling to their body in the heat - the man in charge of security had it open to look at his muscular chest. Armour was a waste in this desert that would just get you stuck in the sand bellow - leather under armour was the best that could be done.Standing at a towering 6’5 with a large but simple sword (more like a chunk of metal that had been grinded down to a sharp edge than an actual forged weapon) on his back next to the merchant who was only 5’10. Neither were exactly small but the mercenary in charge of security was clearly more intimidating.

“So… What is that boss?” <Head Mercenary>

The merchant Adjar simply shook his head with a sigh.

“Honestly? I have no idea. I’ve never seen something like this in all my years crossing this desert. This continent is a place of endless opportunities any other cultivator community would hunger over but it lacks the most important to a cultivator - a strong foundation. Can’t build one of those out of our sand. Perhaps this is another of those all important opportunities we find ourselves drowning in but if we’re lucky maybe it’ll be something more?” <Adjar>

“*Chuckle* You really do find the grass greener on the other side - then again we have no grass in this shit covered pile of gold.” <Head Merc>

“Not just shit my friend; blood of honest men and women who weren’t ready for this dark place. I think we should get to that monolith - if anything it’ll be a good place to take cover during the night. We may even be lucky?” <Adjar>

“I always thought you merchant types were supposed to be sleazy cowards who never took any chances with their lives?” <Head Merc>

“Hah~! Maybe out in the {Outerim} and beyond they can be cowards. Here though - nothing but a knife in the back awaits a coward in the {Central Cities} - you should be well aware trust is an impossible commodity for even I to trade in.

This desert is no place for the weak to acquire wealth.” <Adjar>

With that the convoy quickly began to head off towards the distance pillar of gold that seemed to be attempting to pierce the heavens. This convoy belonged to {Adjar Merchant Group} which belonged to the one and only Adjar. A man who had long travelled all over the desert during its most chaotic times yet still managed to make it to the present day.

The {Adjar Merchant Group} was a very well off merchant group within the {Central Cities}. They had a good five sleds/carts making deliveries between cities for a nicely sized convoy with a total of about thirty people. These ‘carts’ weren’t the same as they were in other continents as wheels would just get stuck in the sand, as such they instead used sleds with a smooth bottom dragged by camels or similarly adapted beasts. In Adjar’s case he had seven beastkin of a specific subgroup called Camtaur to help - think a centaur but with a camel so a Camtaur. Only the five Camtaur pulling the sleds were actually official hires of Adjar - rest were ‘rented’ from the {Mercenary Union}.

Most of the people Adjar hired weren’t exactly his employees as he could hardly trust just any random people to deal with security. Nor could he trust other merchants to not get greedy and rob him of everything he had when he was away from his branches. They were actually mostly hires for the {Mercenary Union} since only a well renowned, intercontinental power like the Union’s could be trusted. Simply put; mercenaries gained very little from betraying him since the {Mercenary Union} benefited more for hunting them down than taking a cut.

Afterall, he mostly dealt with grains and other types of plant food which were rare in these lifeless lands. While in many other places the rich gorged themselves on the finest qi-enriched meats the people in this desert had little interest in something so common… Plus most of the qi rich meat was - of course - from powerful beasts and in that desert that meant they were either highly toxic, in one of the vicious {Gold Dust Beast Clans} or both!

In comparison grains, dried fruits, nuts and veg were wonderful alternatives for sustenance. Not only that but compared to meat it was easier to move as well as prepare/eat - it required no fire to cook nor did they attract predator beasts due to the smell like meat could. Though it was rare that made it perfect to build a monopoly on thus that’s exactly what Adjar did.

To go back to a previous point; meat was actually a dangerous commodity to store. This was because the {Gold Dust Beast Clans} were likely to be some of the most fearsome in terms of their nature; mix that with the gap in strength between the {Mortal Races} and them was far too wide for the humans. This leads to the {Mortal Races} of the desert to not be able to do much but hope the beast clans don’t get hungry and decide to attack a city.

Carrying a large amount of meat when they were already in an unwinnable position with the predators of the desert already? Well, there was one grace that had flown to this hospitable land. The {Gold Dust Branch of Imperial Phoenix Academy} allowed the younger generation to come together, grow to be far stronger than the old and become organised enough to punish the bandit like beasts.

It had already been five hundred long years since headmaster Sagu Jin Wuya came to bless these lands…

“You know, I remember a time before the {Gold Dust Branch of Imperial Phoenix Academy} didn’t exist… I myself was lucky enough to gain a monopoly thanks to their help in the earlier days. Now I’m constantly wandering this desert supplying food.” <Adjar>

“What… Was it like before them?” <Head Merc>

“Hm?” <Adjar>

“Well, what did you all do about the beast clans?” <Head Merc>

“You ran, prayed and left everything you knew behind. Those clans were even worse back in those days; they had no reason to fear nor respect anyone. This lead to fights between themselves over their ‘farms’ being far more common - I remember a girl I used to be neighbours with.

She was a cute girl who I probably would’ve married instead…” <Adjar>

“What happened to her?” <Head Merc>

“A {Sandy Coyote} walked into the city and I think her just being eaten alive would’ve been better than what those monsters did… It was hell on earth till one day, one wonderful day, a second sun appeared in the sky. Before we could fathom what was happening that sun flew down to bless us mortals with the academy and safety we never knew.

From the {Heavenly Realm} flew down a golden crow larger than anything I’ve ever seen - it has three legs and a body covered in the flames of the stars. I needn’t tell you that this was the headmaster that I managed to see for myself when she flew down from the Heavens. Some people doubt whether headmaster Sagu Jin Wuya is truly a pure-blooded {Three Footed Golden Crow} if a crow at all. Why would someone that strong be left to rot in this desert. Perhaps she’s being punished?

Let me tell you they are fools; I’ve seen what that woman is. Comparing her to the Beast Clan’s she is truly like a sun to a flame. Those fools that are mad she does a better job at teaching our youth are just that. Fools!” <Adjar>

Adjar let out a long, tired sigh as he looked off into the distance to keep that giant obelisk of gold in his vision. He couldn’t help but tighten his fists while his mind also wandered back to what they saw sharply after seeing the giant storm that abruptly appeared. Shaking his head he saw the merc head looking at him once more.

“What do you think was bigger - that golden serpent we saw or Sagu Jin Wuya?” <Head Merc>

“I have no idea but I can’t help but think that this obelisk and the storm a while ago is all linked to that beast; I just hope that beast is another blessing.” <Adjar>

“Then… Is it really safe to just walk up like this - isn’t it akin to walking into a bandits stronghold with a target on our back?” <Head Merc>

“Hm~ I’m honestly not sure but my instincts told me that the serpent was far less aggressive than those of the beast clans. At the same time my entire body told me we stood no chance if I let your boys go through with their attack - looking at that giant sandstorm I can only say we found an example of what happens to those who do attack it. I’m a merchant who’s made his fortune on instincts in the most dangerous continent in these godforsaken lands.” <Adjar>

“You can’t fucking be saying that an attack from the beast caused…” <Head Merc>

“An ant cannot tell how large the elephant truly is or how small the rat happens to be.” <Adjar>

“I am sure this is a horrible idea now; how are we going to be able to survive if a monstrous beast like that decides it’s hungry enough to eat a convoy!” <Head Merc>

“We won’t.” <Adjar>

“Then wh-” <Head Merc>

“Because this is the way we were planning to go anyway so we may as well continue on. The serpent could’ve easily killed all the travellers in this part of the desert if it were hungry but cultivators like us likely wouldn’t fill the gap in its teeth. Oh, it’s likely already sensed us as well if it’s in the Spirit Elder realm. Plus if something good comes out of it all we’ll be rich hahaha~!” <Adjar>

“I really did forget you were a merchant for awhile old man…” <Head Merc>

“Hahaha, come we’re just a little ways away from our destination now.” <Adjar>

As Adjar said this they saw a figure that made blood through their bodies at an increased rate… Specifically their pubic region had a ton of blood rushing to it's muscle.

“Well hello there~. I wassn’t expecting guesstss sso ssoon shashasha~!” <Midas>

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