Rebirth Of Ai

After dying on the battlefield, Ai was reborn back in time before the replicators had arrived.  Now, with a new chance at life, Ai wanted to do things differently. She did not wish to be stuck living like she had before. With the help of the system she received upon rebirth, Ai saw a chance…

Tie Them Up Like Pigs

“Of course, it is necessary! You have to go no matter what.” My mother was relentless. I already understood what caused the issue, and I highly doubt they will find anything wrong with my eyes. 

“Then let’s go. Oh right…. Jen will be staying with us for a while if that is okay.” I know I said for a while instead of one night. This was because I was setting up for what was to come later on. Jen also did not say a word to retort to what I said. She normally went with my whims anyway, so this was fine. 

“Ai, did you really not beat up anyone today?” My mother asked as we walked out of the door. I had already laid out all the facts for her, so she did not suspect me anymore. But I guess she still couldn’t let it go so easily.

“I really did not beat anyone up,” I replied with a straight face. After staring at me for a few minutes, she sighed and got into the car. I got into the back with Jen and let my mother do her thing.

The end results were as I figured. They shined a light in my eyes. Made me move them around and even made me take an eye exam. But everything came back perfectly fine.  In fact, my vision was much better than before. The doctor said that the pigment in my eye must have changed due to some kind of occurrence that happened when I fainted. He said if I started having issues to return immediately. My mother could only take that for an answer since they could not find anything else wrong. They had already scanned my head for injuries, so they knew it was not head trauma. 

“Ai….” Jen called out to me.

 I was now currently in my room getting my laptop set up. I had just wiped my hard drive and was installing a Linux-based system. I always hated Mindows.  Jen was at my side, looking on curiously. 

“Hmmm?” I hummed back at her to find out why she was calling me.

“Why did you say I was staying here for a while?” Jen asked. It seemed she was still confused about this.

“Because from now on, you and I will be together forever!” I said jokingly while falling into her lap. We were sitting on the floor. It was a habit of mine to use a short table to do my things. So, I had many pillows scattered on the floor to sit on.

“I am being serious….” Jen pursed her lips as she looked down at me. Jen was really a beautiful girl. She had wavey brown hair and a model figure. Even her boobs were quite big already. Well at least compared to my two bumps. I know many guys in school liked her, but she was too shy to speak to them. She would only speak out if she was forced to, like how she did with Amanda.

“Just trust me and stay with me,” I said as I sat up and turned around to look at her. “From this moment on, I will be faking our attendance at school. We will not be going to school anymore.” 

“Huh? Why!?” Jen looked very confused. I could hear her asking all kinds of questions in her head. 

Since we were home alone now that my mother had to head back to the lab, I decided to explain things a bit. “Jen, what I am about to say may sound crazy but just hear me out, okay?” 

Jen furrowed her brow and nodded. She sat there with a serious expression on her face, waiting for me to speak. I took a deep breath and began explaining things. Out of everyone I planned to save, Jen would be the only one I would speak so truthfully to. I mean, it was crazy, to begin with. If I told my mother and father, they would just take it as a kid’s fantasy. 

“So wait, you are saying that in two years’ time, the world will end?” Jen’s head seemed to be spinning. I do not blame her. After all, this was all hard to take in for someone who did not live through it already.

“Yes. If you really want proof that I am not lying then look.” I took the pen in my hand and stuck it into my inventory. Then picked up the table and did the same. Jen sat there in a daze. The pen she could pass off as a slight of hand trick but the table…. 

I pulled both the pen and table back and placed them back into the spot they were in before and said: “As you can see, I am not lying.”

 After being silent for a while, Jen finally asked. “So you want me to stay with you to help me train and build a place for us to survive in?” 

“That is right. Your parents are always gone. They are always at work and never seem to care about you. So even if the world were to end, I do not think they would rush home to be with you. You know this more than anyone. How many birthdays did you have at my house? Where were your parents on those days?” I hated bringing this up, but it was the truth.

“I….” Jen lowered her head. 

“I know you still love your parents, so if you wish for me to try to save them, I can try. But if they are not around during that time, I do not know how to help them. At the time this all happened, you were not at my house. I do not know what happened to you since I was hiding in the lab under the basement of my home. But if you want me to try to save them I am willing. I just need you to give me a yes or no. You do not need to answer now. We have two years. We only need to work on preparing ourselves. I can always tie your parents up like pigs and toss them into the trunk of some car in two years’ time if you want them alive.”   

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