I Got Summoned And Got Cheat Skills Along With A Yuri Slave Harem

Shizuku, a normal girl who just so happens to like other girls, was in a locker room with her classmates when she and the others were suddenly summoned to another world. Not wanting to have anything to do with the people who summoned her, Shizuku asks the goddess, who gives out classes and gifts for…

Glittery Guilt Part 1

The next day, Shizuku got up early, washed up, and went downstairs with Mei. “Margret, we are going out to get a few things. I will stop back by before I head to the dungeon.”

“Sit and eat before you go. No need to leave on an empty stomach.” Margret placed a hot plate of food on the table along with two mugs of different sizes. One mug was filled with fruit juice, while the other was filled to the brim with blood. “Make sure you drink it all. You will need the extra energy.”

“Thanks.” Shizuku smiled sat down, and picked up the mug. She took a sniff and smiled when she saw that it seemed to be a new flavor. When she took a sip, the smooth, silky taste of chocolate entered her mouth, causing her to open her eyes wide. “Margret, this is!?”

“That is Stone Monkey Blood. They live among the trees in the south and eat a lot of the cocoa leaves. Does it taste good?” Margret asked. In truth, she had someone search for this kind of blood. She had no idea if it would taste like chocolate or not, but she did hope it would. Luckily, she seemed to be right.

“It’s amazing! It tastes like chocolate milk from my world. Thank you, Margret!” Shizuku beamed Margret a smile that warmed Margret’s heart. She smiled back as she walked over and wiped Shizuku’s mouth. “You are already so old but still end up with a milk mustache.” 

“Ah…. Sorry.” Margret wrinkled her brow. For some reason, she saw Olivia just now, which made her react the way she did. She did not wish to imprint her daughter on Shizuku, but it seemed she would not be able to help it sometimes.

Shizuku shook her head and smiled at Margret. “It’s fine. Thank you. This is amazing.”

“Anytime, Deary,” Margret replied, feeling relieved. She made a note to try to hold back a little so that she wouldn’t scare Shizuku.

After breakfast, Shizuku and Mei left the inn and headed to the shop that Nora mentioned. However, this shop was not going to be like the others. From what Nora said, the owner was not a fan of the Fallen and would probably try to overcharge her. At least Nora was kind enough to tell her a small space pouch, or what was also known as a bag of holding, had around twenty-five square meters of space. And double that in height. So she could easily spend many days in the dungeon without needing to leave. The price was only two gold coins, which she had plenty to go around. As for the communication stone, it was only a single gold coin. Sadly, both were only available at this one shop, which normally only catered to priests and wealthy adventurers.

The store in question was called the Glittery Guilt. A strange name but seemed to be a hot name for the rich and powerful. Shizuku now stood in front of this shop which had blue wooden doors with golden handles. The entire place screamed rich with the way it had stone statues of some kind of monster with gems for eyes guarding the door. 

Shizuku sighed at the lavish exterior before walking through the doors. As she did she became the center of attention by everyone there. “Tch…. So you are the Fallen who was summoned.”

Shizuku turned to see a priest standing there with disgust in his eyes. “No, I was human, but your goddess made me a Fallen. So what does that tell you about your own beliefs?”

“Blasphemy! You must have angered Goddess Yunni! Why else would you be punished as so!?”   The Priest yelled out in anger. This outburst actually pissed Shizuku off.

“Oh? Since when did the goddess deem Fallen as evil? Was it not the church that made such a decision? Humans and other races once worked with the vampires in war, but you turned against them and deemed them evil when your stupid church learned you could not control them to do your bidding. Do not think I do not know the history of this world since I was unwantingly summoned here. 

“I did not ask your so-called church to kidnap me from my homeland with no way of getting home. It seems you people in the church need to remember that it is your fault that I am what I am now. Otherwise, I would still be in my own world, going to school and talking with my friends. So do not act all high and mighty with me when it's your fault I am here in the first place, jackass.” Shizuku hated these priests who all thought they were king shit. She did not wish to make enemies with the church just yet, but just looking at him angered her to the point she couldn’t help but go off on him. 

“You! How dare you speak to me that way! I will strike you down in the name of Goddess Yunni!” The priest pulled a dagger from his side and jumped at Shizuku. He did not care what anyone else thought. To him, he was on a righteous mission, and he was about to vanquish all evils.

Before he could even touch a hair of Shizuku, he was suddenly caught mid-air by the throat. His eyes fell on the fox girl in front of him, who was staring at him with cold, murderous eyes and felt fear for the first time. Mei growled as she began, squeezing his throat. She wanted to snap his head clean off with how he had treated her, Master! She would not allow anyone to touch her Master.

“Mei, knock him out and throw him outside. Don’t make a mess.”

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