Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 1: The Fastest Acceptance

In a ‘random’ corner of the war-torn {Heavenly Realm} a now large 5 meter long golden snake glided around in various circular patterns as it tried out flight for the first time - the snake itself wasn’t an actual snake but a far more powerful creature who was in fact the first of her kind. The scales on her body were metallic and shimmered with the light produced from the flames below - a total of 6 wings that were located far closer towards the head than the tail helped to keep its altitude with ease. No doubt aided somewhat by it’s wind affinity; golden winds occasionally formed an updraft to keep the snake level in a calm manner.

Occasionally the snake would open its mouth and let a golden stream of flames shoot out from it’s mouth to rain upon the land below leaving legions of golden statues in its wake. The inside of its mouth was actually black which seemed to be a change to it’s insides as a whole, the slender forked tongue also being black at least suggested this. Though taking advantage of the situations so shamelessly certainly suited the [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] who had a literal black stomach. Other than that it’s bright and unblinking aquamarine eyes suited it’s appearance of a snake; though it’s eyes were outlined with black only to have a rich electric blue marking around them. The blue formed an ‘Eye of Horus’ around her left eye while the right seemed to just be a cat eye… A bit weird to have on a serpent but she did.

Strangest thing was that the serpent’s proportions were unique - while most have only a single wide area on it’s midsection this snake had two of a similar size that were split by a slimming ‘waist’ between. Not only that but a strange and certainly unique looking Ankh was placed way half between the waist and widened point - the art itself was good but it’s content seemed a little questionable… Oh and also on her tail was a single ringed rattle that had obviously not had much time to grow. Not that the snake itself knew it had such a thing on it’s lower stomach. In short, the snake strangely had an hourglass figure but due to the majestic wings and beautiful scales it didn’t seem out of place but only added to the majesty of the black bellied serpent.

Of course, this flying serpent was Mei.

As Mei looked down upon the scene under him, he couldn’t help but imagine if he had the muscles for it there would be a smile on his face… As a flying serpent though that wasn’t really possible as of yet. Burning all these suicidal undead however was indeed possible so he did that with great gile!

<Ah, the feeling of being filled with Qi sure is a great feeling hahaha~! I doubt anyone has ever achieved such an efficient method of cultivation before - all I need to do is float around and occasionally blow out some hot air. It’s partly because I’m a {Heavenly Beast} so I have a natural heavenly boost to my innate attacks. Apparently these {Yang Undead} are resistant to every other form of attack except demonic that reach a certain point in which the demonic actually does extra damage… Not demonic so doesn’t matter to me.

Though, at the same time other Heavenly creatures are basically the only enemy we can’t do boosted damage to… Well, not being resistant seems good enough. Not to mention the more statues I make down there the faster I recover my own Qi hahaha~! Truly I’m a gen- >

While he was thinking this suddenly felt something collide with the underside of his tail - making full use of his serpentine body he turned around and without asking any questions shot out a cone of golden flames which enveloped whatever was behind him. It may have also covered his own tail but he was luckily immune to this… He wasn’t sure if that was the case but he took a chance.

He didn’t end just there and continued to lunge forth with a slap of his wings and widening his mouth even more (showing the capabilities he had as a serpent) swallowing whole whatever could be in the plume of golden flames. Not only this but once he closed his mouth his fangs sprung out from their hiding place making a cage at his throat to ensure whatever he had just ate could only wait for their eventual golden fate.

This of course wasn’t a reaction just anyone could have after being suddenly attacked from behind but something he had gained over the years. His cunning mind had been tested many times in the past and as a snake perhaps it had only been boosted in it’s efficiency. Though it was also questionable if this was the best usage of his abilities as he soon saw that it wasn’t over with just yet.

He had already swallowed a few whole but there seemed to be many of the flying variant that had managed to escape his vision and thus sneak up behind him in the air. No doubt it was his fault for using such a flashy move over and over again. Resulting in getting agro from these undead far off into the distance. Constant giant cones or beams of metallic golden flames emitting a vibrant heavenly aura leading to a giant golden serpent with pure white wings with a very unique Qi signature would often do that… The undead weren’t intelligent but they knew how to fly in a straight line to the golden golden thing.

<Huh, I suppose in hindsight I should’ve kept my guard up a little more when using [Gold Eulogy Flame] but in my defense it’s not like I could use anything else. My venom obviously wouldn’t work too well on living corpses while my other abilities aren’t particularly good at dealing high long ranged AOE damage… Well I suppose I have that option but wind wouldn’t do enough damage, sound slash vibration is mostly for living targets while spiritual is… It’s not impossible but I want the Gold and I’d likely lose some from this distance!

Anyway, time to show these failures what this prince can do hahaha~!>

Before the dozens of undead reached him to attack on his head with their body and weapons he lifted his head up as he began to fly further up. Although everyone here was technically an angel at some point it was very clear that Mei had far superior speed in the air. Quickly elevating above them as he filled his insides with his [Gold Eulogy Flame] to quickly reduce those he caught into gold which he stored promptly away. He wasn’t idle while doing this either… Or actually he was as he stopped just above the army of flying undead and reeled back all of his wings.

When he was finally done he let the flames shoot out from his body to engulf those undead but he didn’t stop there; powerfully flapping his wings down sent gales of [Gold Eulogy Winds] to not only send those undead back down to the ground but also boost the effects of his flames. Of course, if he only just came to life such an impressive combination would be difficult to achieve but with so much qi being given to him for free he may as well splurge a bit!

The result was also quite satisfying as the undead - who were already weak at flight anyway due to being dead and all - were sent hurtling down. It also didn’t take too long for them to all collide with those undead below. Except now they were now in the form of a golden statue that seemed to have no idea how to react due to their slow reaction time as ‘low leveled undead’. As those they collided with were also powerful undead little happened to them but it sent any others who began to fly towards him back into the dirt and lava below.

<With so much Qi already available to me I should easily be able to break through to Foundation Formation and instead should be looking at Core Formation… Though these guys really are tough to be able to survive a collision with a literal metal statue at such a fast speed; I really wouldn’t be able to do much if it wasn’t for my- Akaibu totally did this on purpose~!

My god is clearly the best god there is hahaha~! Anyway I shouldn’t let my guard down and actually keep attention to my surroundings so I don’t receive another attack...>

His gaze fell onto the scale that had been clawed hit before he could pull it away and it was clear that his defense may as well have been akin to paper in front of these monsters. His long body couldn’t help but tremble and if he wasn’t cold blooded a cold sweat would be forming on his also non-existent brow. Well, it did appear he had a ‘brow’ but it was just  Rich Electric Blue coloured markings just like for his ‘lips’ and eye shadow… As well as the lower stomach ‘tattoo’.

<Yes… I certainly don’t want those beasts to be biting at my beautiful golden butt anymore than I need to. Luckily, in my infinite genius, I have given myself many options of detection available but which would be the best… I can just rely on vibrations I suppose since it’s what I got from bats. Time to continue my orbital bombardment hahaha~!>

With that in mind he opened his mouth and let out another torrent of flame when suddenly another idea came to mind. Attempting to ‘reach out’ mentally to the Qi forming bellow from those statues he got a very pleasant surprise and soon flames began to form all around the golden statues forming a golden hell in heaven. In between attacks he would hiss which allowed him to clearly sense his surroundings while also generally making sure to pay more attention with his eyes as well.

<Now this is usefully - just being able to control all this [Golden Eulogy Qi] without actually taking it into myself has massively improved my ‘God of the desert’ plan - I could also spend this time to actually break through while the flames protect me hahaha~!>

Soon he decided to do just that as he flew directly into the metallic golden flames - perfectly blending in thanks to his scales.


A total of 4 rings were present on Mei’s tail representing the 3 months he had spent in this Realm as well as being a [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] - this also meant he molted trice but of course he kept the remains. They would surely come in useful even if it was to just auction it off as materials - he was a {Heavenly Beast} afterall.

He was already a meter wide at his thinnest while his total length 24 meters making it so he could easily swallow a human whole. His size wasn’t the only thing large though as he had broken through to the 6 layer of the Core Formation Realm but keeping in mind his bloodline it was easy for him to fight a realm ahead making him a truly large fish in a small pond… Once he gets out of this Realm that is.

Beasts were stronger than Mortals, {Spirit Beasts} were stronger than Beasts while {Demon Beasts} & {Heavenly Beasts} were stronger than regular {Spirit Beasts}. Though Both were still classified as {Spirit Beasts} that just came from the other two major realms.

As one of the few {Heavenly Beasts} left in existence his [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] were royalty among royalty in terms of beasts. Strength was respected but unlike with humans so was potential - while humans may try to stifle potential apparently the Beast Clans understood what it meant to nurture their young. Not all of them but most clans followed the {Imperial Phoenix Family} as their leaders (much to the dismay of the various dragons).

<I don’t want to be under someone's protection without any say though - how would I efficiently make money that way? [Phoenix] are known as noble creatures, [Golden Crows] are known as prideful and [Dragons] are scaled variants of Hitler according to the {First Great War}. While I would certainly receive protection from the first two as fellow {Heavenly Beasts} I would likely be restricted from mortals for my own safety…

Funnily if I met them in the outside realm I would likely be returned to farm the {Heavenly Realm} with chaperones which, although fun and all, I would rather see what the sun looks like once in a while. ‘Volcanic’ gets boring real fast. As for [Dragons] they are not much better than humans due to being dumb, angry, arrogant and greedy war criminals. I may be greedy but at least I’m not a war crim->

Swallowing another golden statue and looking at the destruction he had caused in this realm.

<At least I’m not angry and dumb. They wouldn’t really bother with skinning me alive like mortals would if I wasn’t strong enough but they will one hundred percent look down on me as a sub-dragon or something. Not to mention I would probably be executed at some point for scamming them.>

His main reasons for disliking dragons were quite simple; a war for the superior reptile. If he wanted to be recognized as or just had the potential to be the strongest reptile, Dragons obviously wouldn’t be too pleased with it. This meant he couldn’t ally with his scaled rivals. Of course, if he let the other major Beast Clans know about the [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] as well they would never let the dragons do something so foolish. As for not siding with the birds or perhaps even Lions… Well he wasn’t exactly a moral person either and intended to fully take advantage of mortals!

So, if he wanted both freedom and no dragons breathing down his neck, what he needed first was three things.

Power, fame and wealth!

<It’s time to get my put the gears in motion and begin my plan - oh my great and powerful god bestow upon me your->

<| Initializing <Answer>{As the race that has the highest affinity with the <Location>{Heavenly Realm} Angels of a certain rank have the ability to freely open up portals to the Realm. Only the weakest rank of Angel (2 Wings) cannot. Both the Principle Angels (4 winged) and Archangel (6 winged) have the opportunity to learn <Technique>[Twelve Pearl Egress]}

>Initializing <Protocol>{Data Transmission}<Entity>{Self}.{Archangel}<Technique>[Twelve Pearl Egress] |>

Soon a whole new batch of information flooded into his mind but compared to the intricacies of his own Qi control & transformation it was far easier to handle. Not to mention he was far more powerful in body, soul and mind after jumping two nearly three cultivation realms. The content of it was essentially just how to use his Heavenly-ness to open up a portal between the three major realms… It did have some interesting connotations with the fact that a technique of important angels to move between {Mortal Realm} and {Heavenly Realm} could instead travel between {Mortal Realm} and {Demon Realm}. However, it didn’t seem like it would be useful to him so he didn’t pay much attention.

<First I need to get down to the {Mortal Realm} and then I can finally experience life in this new body - no longer will I need to worry about a zombie randomly popping out of nowhere and one shotting me. I spent so much effort on these defenses so I’ll be mad if they are ineffective against everything. Nevertheless, I need to first set up a base and admire my new humanoid form.

Oh right, is there a way to control my gold so I can change it to be less human shaped?>

He had already used up the time it took to comprehend his escape plan to gobble up the last of the gold statues. No intelligent {Yang Undead} were here due to being too intelligent to spend time where nothing was; because of this reason he had basically been unopposed when clearing up the area of all of it’s undead.

<It would make for a good base in this Realm in the future.>

<| Initializing <Answer>{System can perfectly create a technique to allow control over the gold if our little Archangel wants… It will cost you 50 souls worth of <Treasure>[Eulogy Spirit Gold]} |>


<| Initializing <Answer>{... 50} |>

<Hard bargain; 15.>

<| Initializing <Answer>{...} |>


<| Initializing <Answer>{49.} |>


<| Initializing <Answer>{Money loving whore - seemed fine wasting money before...}

>Initializing <Protocol>{Data Transmission}<Entity>{Self}.{Archangel}<Technique>[Gold Eulogy God] |>

<Limited amounts of cash mean I need to save up after all hahaha~!>

Soon information flooded into his mind and he began to use his new technique to escape - after a few seconds of channeling a set of circular ‘gates’ appeared. The gate itself had various engravings that seemed to depict the primordial gods; many historians would die to view these gates of legend. They even appeared to be made out of pearl and as they opened it opened into another until a total of 12 gates had opened, each gate depicting information all but lost. It was a very beautiful scene but it didn’t compare to his gold so he ignored the details of it and headed through. 


In front of Mei Dias was a beautiful scene for sure.

A golden sun embraced an endless expanse of sand with vicious heat - though to the {Heavenly Realm} it could hardly compare. The dunes rose while the sand it fell upon seemed to shimmer softly giving Mei the thought that this whole desert was made from gold. The hot wind blew across his scaly face as if welcoming the prophesied son back to his rightful throne. He couldn’t help but stick out his black forked tongue to take in the taste and odour of the desert in it’s full glory.

This was the {Golden Dust Continent} which Mei Dias had chosen for… Various reasons.

Some of them were actually constructive towards his future plans. One of those features of this continent being a desert with a severe lack of oasis; making travel between settlements (as well as life in the settlements in general) one of the hardest out of any deserts. There was also the fact that very few deserts could claim to be as large as this one while this desert still had many kingdoms and even some areas of ‘prosperity’ which actually had some green. Another was the lack of any crazy superpowers that would want to skin him as well as any of his future children while not being so weak as to not be worth his effort.

This all meant there was the possibility for someone to become the superpower to take over!

<Well anyway, I may as well check my humanoid form finally before going to find a good spot to set up.>

With him saying that, he followed the steps in his head and it was instantly as if a flood gate was broken. In his mind a new set of ‘familiar controls’ filled his thoughts. Along with this a burning yet pleasant feeling filled all 24 meters of his body as he suddenly seemed to compact into a more ‘efficient’ form.

After a few moments and a bright golden flash of light later a naked figure stood alone in the desert; of course this was Mei admiring ‘his’ new body. Looking down with ‘his’ hands opening and closing in front of ‘him’self before they moved upwards to attempt to grab onto two toffee coloured love sacks which filled ‘his’ vision. ‘His‘ hands were unable to deal with that much pressure though and merely sank into the monstrous duo. The hands didn’t seem to mind though as ‘he’ grabbed what he could and began to move around vigorously as if testing just how much they could endure. Black nubs on the end of those massive war machines also quickly expanded.

“Ah~ sseemss I didn’t get my ssnake back but I don’t think thiss issn’t too bad - kan’t ssee my feet though, huh? Sseemss the 'sss' thing could get annoying though... kould attract more kusstomerss though shahaha~!” <Mei>

A beautiful and sensual voice exited her mouth though unfortunately didn’t seem about to pronounce the letter ‘c’ and the black forked tongue couldn’t help but make an appearance on her ‘s’s.

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