Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 17: All I want for Christmas is a [3D Matter Reconstructor With Internal Computing Segment]


“Wow, that wass ssurprissingly painlesss shashasha~!” <Ulwazi>

“For you I’m ssure it wass…” <Midas>

The two walked through a vortex in space - a wormhole - that connected two places in the vast universe together. That wasn’t to say it was them who made it as neither of the pair were adept with the spacial arts. Rather it was their all important God who could easily make such phenomena occur and also knew where they even went. 

Having just arrived back from dealing with their smithy contact the shorter & chubbier girl seemed joyus as almost seemed to dance around while hugging herself. She didn’t seem to mind the fact that her large breasts bounced around - Uzlwazi literally just looked like a mini-mirrored version of her mother. 

Midas on the other hand (who had to deal with the wife) clearly had used a lot of qi; quite frankly just walking back into her oasis made her feel quite refreshed. If she hadn’t made an area specifically made to nurture her race it may take months to fully recover. Considering how cautious Midas was it showed things had indeed not gone well for her. Though if asked if it were worth it she would have to state it certainly was.

“With thiss [3D Matter Reconstructor] complete with an [Internal Computer] it will now be posssible to make ssome partss from variouss materialss. It will jusst be a matter of waiting for the job to be done then have the girl deliver it to our underlab~!” <Ulwazi>

<Ohohoho, silly girl didn’t even know what a Matter Reconfiguror was until I told her~! Well the first thing to make would be another device with high performance so we can easily run some high-accuracy simulations. I only don’t know whether it would be best for me to focus on a [Stem Cell Regenerative Solution] or [BioTech Prosthetic Organs]... If I was born a human I would go with the BioTech replacements but as a [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] it would take awhile to make any organs more efficient than my current. Meanwhile the Regenerative Solution would help regenerate previously irreparable problems with ease… Hm~.> 

A strange pair for the cultivation world had just arrived home without care that they had already predicted an attack within the month or so.

As for the process of getting the device…


-= Few Hours Ago =-

Midas was still upon her deck chair with a peaceful air about her. Her hands behind her head as she simply lay back to soak in the sun as if her caramel skin could somehow become darker from a bit of sun. At some point the golden ‘lace’ over her breasts had ‘slipped’ to show off more of the onyx areola - if there were any men or women actually about they would need to be strong willed to not dive onto her like a beast. If there was something she didn’t lack since reincarnating it was sex appeal. Of course she wouldn’t mind letting them play bongo on her balloons if it came to that… She could just take interest~!

There was someone on the side who wasn’t interested though. In fact, the white veiled girl adorned in a white one piece dress tapped her foot impatiently. Despite the girls obviously unimpressed display Midas was in no rush to go anywhere. She merely just smiled that usual seductive yet sly grin.

“Sso you’ve appeared ass a head shahaha~?” <Midas>

“I’m a busy god with more realms than grains of sand in this continent to look after. In fact, just the amount of {Mortal Realm}’s outnumber these grains of sa-” <Akaibu>

“Then where are the other four heads~?” <Midas>

“W-what do you mean?” <Akaibu>

“You alwayss appear in a group of five headss in order to eassily deal with any problemss that could occur which makess you think you’ve fibbed to me and intend to throw me under the buss with a problem that five headss can’t easily deal with or where more headss would instead causse problemss shahasha~!” <Midas>

“We also don’t bother if we think we’re safe even without more headss like when with family or other strong beings.” <Akaibu>

“Heh, I am pretty amazing aren’t I?” <Midas>

“... Yes?” <Akaibu>

She didn’t know whether to be happy with how easy that was or disappointed with how easy that was. Deciding it wasn’t worth worrying about, Akaibu just shook her head, letting out a long sigh of defeat. They had other matters to worry about at the moment so decided just to take advantage of the situation.

“Are we bringing the child as well?” <Akaibu>

“Hmm~ well technically I’m only a few monthss older but it’ss quesstionable whether inviting her would actually help with anything. Sshe iss only at the sstart of a long journey~.” <Midas>

“But she may need to order more parts for the machine, or additional machines, in the future. It will also help her massively if she can understand the principles behind the reconstructor. I do imagine the design you intend to go with would be the one with the onboard systems?” <Akaibu>

Midas thought for a second, gazing at the suns above with a thoughtful expression, before nodding her head in agreement.

“Indeed - no need to have an interlinked ssysstem at current. By the time we need them I would like for my little princesss to be able to reconfigure the devicess hersself. That would be the ideal result at leasst.” <Midas>

With that a golden light began to explode from Midas’ form before quickly lengthening into a familiar golden snake shape. When the light settled unsurprisingly Midas was there, though now at an absurd 150 meters long, however the administrative god seemed unimpressed to say the least. Obviously the snake couldn’t care whether Akaibu thought she was amazing (she knew she was) and slithered back into the water; the god just hopped up upon the giant serpent for a free ride.

It took very little to reach the depths of the giant oasis at which point Midas stopped in front of one of the golden walls. There were no unusual markings but making use of her telekinesis infused spirit sense she interacted with the wall in a way only a mentally strong race could manage. Doing this caused a ringing to appear and doing this on the right symbols caused the ringing to appear before a hole appeared in the wall. 

Akaibu couldn’t help but muse that the race that hid nothing seemed to enjoy their privacy.

Swimming into the surprisingly large hole she had to swim up to arrive into their underground base - leaping out the water while transforming once again into a humanoid state - catching the goddess into a princess carry midair. Holding her god like this Midas kept that same smile but Akaibu seemingly wasn’t as pleased. Landing a few steps away from the water filled entrance the pair were welcomed with a little golden corridor that ended with a golden set of doors. The entire place was covered with advanced hieroglyphs which served as their own medium to make array formations; they had many purposes but it assured Akaibu that there was likely no place safer on this continent than this underground lab.

Midas just calmly walked up to the door like she’d done this thousands of times as Akaibu felt something move behind Midas. This was her usually invisible tail that prodded some random  symbols upon the walls as the pair passed them - it seems random but Akaibu knew for a fact it wasn’t. If it was, the pair would undergo enough mental damage to cripple a god… Not on the level to have any actual effect on the {True God} but even Akaibu reckoned one of her brains would suffer discomfort. The same would be true for Midas who had refined her own mind through her own methods.

By the time they arrived at the door Midas pressed one last symbol with her invisible tail - this time it was sneakily positioned in a lip above the door - and the two doors opened up in front of her. When they entered they saw a large space that was… Completely white. The most shocking thing for Akaibu (who couldn’t look into this place due to Midas’ cunning) was the serious lack of gold. 

How could Midas and her brat avoid using gold for once?!

Instead the entire place was made for countless [Spirit Stones] that had been completely emptied of any qi. This seemed simple but usually the stones would dissolve due to instability. The effect was only possible due to Midas & Ulwazi making use of their powerful telekinesis to create a new technique to even move qi. Using that technique (which would be considered Heavenly Tier) they moved the qi from stones to increase the rating of other stones creating higher tier [Spirit Stones] at the cost of making [Empty Spirit Stones]. This led to the area they were in having a similar environment to the {Forest of Mortality}; a place void of any qi.

Akaibu quickly understood they did this in order to remove any problems that may occur with having qi interfering with the experimental process. It was easier to add more qi for these young monsters than to remove it. If anyone else knew that they cared more about the empty stones than the [Large Spirit Stones] or [Great Spirit Stones] they had no doubt casually created. She wouldn’t be surprised if these crazy snakes made some [Supreme Spirit Stones] just because they could! 

It did help explain why she couldn’t look into this place though - she believed that this technique could be employed to make areas completely invisible to the Heavens. Afterall if she couldn’t see then it was unlikely Sohn-Tochter could see. This meant that if one carried enough regular cultivation stones or just filled with place with qi-generating treasures (most plants do this) a person would be able to be unchallenged in their cultivation… They would have to go through all the tribulations after they left though.

In this regard maybe the [Empty Spirit Stones] which don’t exist in nature or anywhere else but this room are the true treasure?

How many sects would kill for a place that could avoid Heaven's wrathful Tribulations?

“You crazy snakes are doing more absurd things now that there are two of you…” <Akaibu>

“Thank you goddess-sama~!” <Ulwazi>

A chubby 10 foot golden serpent that looked just like Midas (but small and dumpy) slithered over. The place was almost completely empty except for a few doors and trap doors. They lead to places to store and although it seems somewhat ordered it was obvious they had run out of materials to build with so gave up on building more. She was certain this would look more like a boring lab in the future except filled with hot caramel coloured women…

“We're going to vissit one of our god’ss friendss in order to get help in building our firsst [3D Matter Reconstructor With Internal Computing Segment] - a [3D MRIC] for short. Quite a ssimple piece of hardware but I think it would make a good gift to oursselvess for what we’ve accomplisshed sso far.” <Midas>

“A what… I mean yess mother!” <Ulwazi>

Midas just nodded before the gang set off to arrive at their destination… A random forest?

“Are we there yet?” <Midas>

“We dance in the palm of greater men~♪

We fight & we bleed for someones better dream~♪

We claw & we bite for yesterday~♪

Yet we can’t close our eyes & sleep peacefully~♪” <Longinus>

However, soon after saying that a voice filled with confidence and a hint of smugness echoed throughout the forest. Thus causing Midas & Ulwazi to gaze around the seemingly normal forest only to feel everything was not as normal as it was at first glance. The first thing to notice was the giant tree which Midas quickly recognised due to the ‘important things’ knowledge Akaibu initially gifted her… A [World Tree].

This place also wasn’t filled with regular qi but instead something thicker and stronger. It filled the entire place with more vitality thus allowing even the grass to appear more vibrant than regular grass. In fact the pair believed that the energy that filled the air was enhancing the surroundings to such an extent nothing on this continent should be classified as lower than a Purple Grade treasure!

Not only did Midas think so but she knew so… This wasn’t {The Land Abandoned by God} any longer but the land overlooked by {The Infinite Mother}!


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