Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Chapter 36: A snakes way of retaliation



Midas turned towards the obnoxious voice with the same smile as always.

One only needed to take a single glance to tell the woman was from a rich background as she was adorned in a beautiful gown. Even aside from her dress there was a confident smirk on her face with rich rouge lips with long black lashes and matching eyeshadow. Walking up to the door was a woman with long wavy crimson hair that fell along her back only to then fall across her gigantic rear that had an impressive hump.

It was essentially impossible to ignore that massive body below her waist. Her breasts were still very sizable - if not on the level of the snake - yet they still couldn’t fully take one's attention no matter how much they seemed ready to flop out her open top dress. As Slate stepped out of the way to get a good view of what was coming up Midas could see many people stare at her butt which had everything hanging out.

“Ah, if it iss not the young wife of Adjar, eldesst misss Bian of the Flaming Tiger Lao family.” <Midas>

“I’m afraid I don’t know the name of a mere plaything that isn’t even able to properly dress herself in clothes.” <Camtaur>

As can be expected the gaggle of rich girls following behind the camtaur all gave their own chuckles while a wave of mocking gazes landed upon the snake. Their attention was quite clearly on her outfit which sank into her stomach with disgust - the same was for some watching men while others certainly didn’t mind her appearance. Midas herself just chuckled with her hand raising to cover those plump electric lips. 

Somehow a cold chill went down the noble women's spines as Midas spoke words that would become the most fear words in high society.

“I know all your darkesst ssecretss sso I wouldn’t recommend you try thiss.” <Midas>

Slate who watched from the side grinned to herself while shaking her head; one thought went through her head.

<She’s gaslighting them to reveal their own secrets in their thoughts… Thoughts she can actively read as easy as breathing. She really is a snake!>

And what the interesting secret she gained.

“*Snort* I’m surprised you are even sturdy enough to stand let alone speak such big words - you appear as if you would break like a toy under my father. Still it appears your mind devolved enough to appear on the street in such a disgraceful manner. Have you got no pride in yourself though I suppose you are already handling enough with a great man like my father.” <Bian>

The noble taur had a red fan with black floral print upon it as she waved it in front of her face to hide her own discomfort - her supporters were no different. Something about the snake unsettled her; maybe it was her overwhelming seductiveness while not even appearing bothered. Everyone here knew the snake’s body was having every inch studied by crowds who either hated or lusted for her, something many of them may not be able to handle, yet she maintained a calm sultry smile while supporting that stomach. They couldn’t help but think that perhaps she truly did know their secrets?

With such a thought Midas had no more reasons to disappoint.

“Oh indeed, I’m ssure no woman knowss more about Lord Flaming Tiger than you~.” <Midas>

Hearing that everyone couldn’t help but glance from the corner of their eyes towards Bian who quickly began to grow pale. Flames seemed to arise from her eyes before she pushed her anger back down into her camel stomach yet her ‘smile’ was still more akin to a frown. With the height she obtained from with her camel lower half she towered over Midas.

“I don’t like your crude suggestions especially from a sex slave who knows nothing.” <Bian>

“Hm~? Iss it not true that you are hiss daughter - which woman could posssibly know more about a man than their very own daughter… Oh I ssupposse you thought I wass calling you hiss lover? Now which family would have ssuch a desspotic relationsship!” <Midas>

Bian was obviously quite shellshocked by Midas’ explanation as she could only blush while softly nodding her head. Still the snake wasn’t done as her tongue flickered cheekily outside of her mouth with that same sultry smile upon her lips. Unlike Bian who was beginning to get nervous as everyone gazed at her with doubts Midas tried maintaining eye contact with the person she was talking to.

“Now if we were talking about knowing all about dickss it musst be ssaid that nobody could beat you in that regard. Probably doessn’t help you never cover it up yet jusst catching a whiff one can tell you go through men at a rate which putss your father to sshame. Let'ss alsso not pretend ass if you go one at a time - ssuch a large ssnatch must mean you have no choice to compenssate with ssheer numberss in order to ssatisfy yoursself. Guesss you don’t need to worry about getting pregnant .” <Midas>

At that point all eyes turned towards the rear of the camtaur woman as if looking for something while even some of her supporters couldn’t help their curiosity. One of the younger women near the back couldn’t help leaning towards their ‘leader’ to do as Midas suggested. However her reaction was to quickly dart away while covering her mouth plus nose while quite visibly gagging at whatever she smelled. Obviously everyone noticed this reaction including Bian who seemed like she was about to pop a blood vessel however just as she opened her mouth someone beat her to the punch.

“Don’t act like that, your fatherss would be embarrasssed to know you couldn’t sstand them. Well I ssupposse having them all in the ssame place would be quite off putting. Musst be hard to wassh out sso much without help… At leasst it can’t lead to you having any accidental ssiblingss ssince that leader of yourss can’t have any children no matter how many of them sstuff her at once - as miss An can tell you it’s most of your fathers &or brotherss~!” <Midas>

At this point it probably wasn’t possible for someone to be so angry and embarrassed all at the same time as she could feel the countless gazes had changed their disgust. Now all that disgust had turned away from Midas to target her - specifically their gazes focused on her lady parts which made her unconsciously shake. Finally she was fed up with acting nice so she exploded.

“Shut up! As if you know anything about my love life or the people I choose to interact with so I refuse to be treated by this by a woman who is treated no better than sexual relief. I doubt you’ll be able to last a month before my father gets dissatisfied by your worn out lady parts to instead rely on your rear just like that bitch Gem!” <Bian>

“I ssupposse you're right but can you say the same when the only manhood that’ss kissed my lower lipss iss your fatherss. You can hardly ssay you can compare to my experience. Then again I doubt you could ssatissfy-” <Midas>

“As if you could ever satisfy him the same way as I-” <Bian>

It was at that point her eyes widened as if she realised this was akin to her trying to shake a snake which was constricting her arm only for the snake to lunge forth and bite her neck. Slate as well had long recognised that this was the cunning snake's intentions all along - truly as if she was slowly coiling around the woman. Getting the camtaur to expose her vitals so that she could lunge forward with the last venomous bite to finish it all up.

As for what venom she’d use?

“Oh~ no wonder I recognissed you insstantly… You look very ssimilar to your ssecond brother desspite not having the ssame mother, then again I ssupposse hiss mother iss very clossely related to your dead mother. I wonder if he’ss aware of hiss real mother shashasha~.” <Midas>

The camtaur froze while all eyes no longer held even any pretence of questioning. Instead each gaze on her was filled with disgust and mockery which made her shiver as her brain slowly started to reboot in an attempt to find a solution. Still she couldn’t say anything or rather she didn’t know how to say anything since she could no longer find her voice.

Even now Midas held the same smile yet her gaze turned away from the camtaur to pass over the other women who quickly backed away while white as a sheet. They now clearly remembered Midas’ words weren’t only directed towards Bian but instead included each and everyone of them. Unsurprisingly they turned tail to run while abandoning their leader to feel the crowds gazes - they too felt betrayed as well as disgusted knowing that their greedy leader had seduced their very own family members.

Knowing she would soon become infamous within these city walls the woman could no longer stand over the snake who had caught her. Her legs completely gave up with a rather heavy thud that caused several pieces of glass artistry to fall and become several pieces. The obnoxious look on her face completely faded as she couldn’t even look up even as Midas walked up to her.

Reaching a hand forward Midas softly stroked the woman’s head while pushing her against her own bloated stomach in mock comfort as she gently whispered into Bian’s ear.

“Don’t worry… Even if Adjar abandonss you I’m sure you’ll be more than ssatissfied when I marry you off to the quite eager Gem - after sshe’ss done with your brotherss I promisse sshe’ll breed you like the dumb cow you are. When I told her my plan sshe wass esspecially excited for the option to mate you and your beloved little ssisster~.” <Midas>

Obviously Bian was equal parts confused and scared while Midas completely ignored her to walk out the store. Slate quickly ended up walking behind her with a nasty grin which may as well be called the oni grin in the same way cheshires is called the cheshire grin. She couldn’t help but be confused.

“So what is your plan for that~!” <Slate>

“I merely dessire to grant a poor human girlss wisshess for revenge in the mosst amussing way I can think of~.” <Midas>

Slate could only shake her head, well aware that was all she’d be able to get.


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