Midas’ Golden Eulogy

Man steals from rich to give to himself but dies when his dick is chopped by an escort he hired. Then reincarnates as golden snek with pretty wings who has the moral colour that is almost totally reliant on gold. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Please support my patreon pweet please: https://www.patreon.com/BasicallyGod -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Mei Dias was your average man…

Prologue: Mei Dias the Grey Man

1st Person; Mei Dias /

“It was a sunny Thursday in the middle of summer - no rain or dark clouds overhead waiting to strike anyone down and we certainly were beside no trees. Timewise it was about 1pm but I wasn’t paying attention to the time at that moment. Of course, who would pay to their surroundings after a hard day of work and spending their well earned cash to buy a small piece of pleasure?

My pleasure for the day was a woman called ‘Kim Su’ and if I had to use one word to describe her it would be hot… Now it would be bitch but lets leave the semantics alone for now. She had straight black hair that fell to her wide hips and a nice handful of chest; nothing amazing but she made up for it with a pretty face without makeup and a godtier one with. She’d need to be one of the most expensive escorts on the market though. I was expecting good things...

Oh right, I bet nobody cares about her life, you must want to hear about me!

My name is, or perhaps was, Mei Dias which was quite the femmine sounding name despite me being a pure-bred male - I have a dick and even two balls so most definitely a man. My family was regular enough, a man and woman who shacked up once but forgot the protection leading to them marrying. Father was a bit of a ‘beta’ though and it followed my mothers words to the ‘T’ as if she was his own mother, honestly I found his behaviour a bit disgusting. As a human being shouldn’t you have your own opinion about something?

Not only that; it wasn’t exactly like my mother was a good person. I mean she got forced by her parents to marry this random guy she couldn’t really give two shits about after a fling due to him having a terrible pullout game. But on the other side, doesn’t mean she can also choke slam me into the wall whenever she likes! Though I guess nobody could exactly stop her and any mentions of abuse was laughed out. In fact, even a situation when one of my teachers warned her that my father may be abusing me as if that wet cloth could hit anything. I may have taken a page from her book in this case since she always used to bring male escorts whenever father was out and from the sounds it seemed like she was just a person who liked to feel superior over others through physical force. Guess I should thank my mother and father for something - they gave me the basis of what it means to be ‘human’. Figure out what a ‘human’ is; it's easy enough to predict them and if you can predict them…

And let’s just say my job takes a lot of human nature into account. I’m good at it too, great even, and I make a lot of money out of it. I also make a lot of enemies as well but isn’t that the case no matter how you make a lot of money? It just happens my way of making money is more directly aligned with making enemies - this led to me being quite good in a fight.

Oh, I also forgot to say that I’m handsome with sharp features and blackish hair, kind of blue in the right light but hardly crazy colourful, adds to my devilish appeal though. I don’t look like a thug but neither do I look like a dopy idealist that believes if they work hard enough money will come flowing in - not like I break the law either… Technically.

Without getting into the details and keeping things short - although some people have a dislike for me I make a lot of money and I love it. Money can bring you a lot of things in life after all, very few things it can’t give you access to, though I suppose that’s not entirely true. Can’t bring you eternal life or cure any illness you have… If this was one of those cultivation worlds it would be different. Even a grey area man like myself still dreams of being in a fantasy world though I suppose my dreams are hardly as pure?

Speaking of pure - Kim Su’s mouth was absolutely divine as she wrapped those plump (likely fake) lips around my dick. She was definitely used to it with how easily she slammed it past her gag reflex like it’s a suggestion. Watching that beautiful face deform into something perverted around my cock as she sucked certainly filled me with desire… Though even an escort has desires and she desired more than I was willing to give.

Let’s just say she… She didn’t want me to die as a man as she used a knife she had hid on her waist to attack me quite successfully. Of course she wanted my money but she was sure she’d get away with it due to it being a well planned hit job from one of those people who disliked me (as hard as it may be to believe someone could dislike me). If it was just that maybe I could find peace with the fact I died due to bleeding out where my dick and balls used to be but that bitch was just like my mother.

Even as I was half delirious due to the blood loss she kept yammering about how much better she was than me as if I’d done something personally to her - it annoys me even more than it was a woman whos held more dick than a boy after November who kept yammering about how much better she was than me! Although I don’t really care about her job description, pretending it was something noble (and not giving blowies to guys with a purse that’s too heavy) annoys me, kind of like ‘you aren’t a fucking assassin doll, you’re a whore who’s been used’...

Of course, I wasn’t in the situation to do anything about it. I did promise to myself though that if I ever got the chance I would make sure to usurp every last thing she ever found pride in if I got the chance. In hindsight it was kind of pointless since I died and all… Well that’s the cliff notes of my story.” <Mei>

As I finished my story I took in the setting around me with a faint smile on my face after getting all that of my perfectly sculpted chest. Taking a minute to take in the awe of the surrounding area at my story - of course nobody was there, I could feel nothing and everything was blue with numbers and shit floating around… But I’m sure if someone was there they would be in awe of me, I am me afterall!

You would think I would be annoyed by how long it’s taking while nothing is happening but if I excel in anything it’s waiting. In fact, perhaps I even enjoy waiting? Gives me time to consider things and with this time I can conclude a few things. Of course, first is that I’m dead yet to call death feels a bit wrong. Afterall I can clearly still think, which means that medical definition is a bit bogus.

Maybe I’m in a coma?

A possibility for sure since I certainly could have entered a coma due the amount of blood I lost yet I am doubtful of such an outcome. Although I am amazing, that only made people want me dead even more. If they finally got a chance like this they certainly wouldn’t ruin it by giving me medical treatment before I bled out. Could say that perhaps someone walked in on me after I passed out from blood loss and got the authorities involved…

But I doubt that as well; many attempts have been made on my life and those around me. In fact, someone even used my mother as a hostage which was rather funny since I only won - I got my revenge on her for treating me like shit and the law also wouldn’t be after me!

Back to the main point though, I highly doubt the people behind this would make such a rookie mistake after getting as far as they did. Even if they did why wouldn’t they just silence that person before they could call for help or just finish the job before help arrived - not like anyone could stop them from doing such.

Another factor that leads to me doubting this being a coma induced dream is the fact everything is fucking blue and made out of numbers. If I was to dream up anything in a coma induced state it certainly wouldn’t be fucking numbers; it would at least be something cool. Like wiping that smug look off Kim’s face, yakuza kicking her out of the window or making her into a poor truckstop hooker… No that may be too pleasurable; I’d make her into an office worker. Heard those in the porn industry sometimes work in shitty conditions so maybe…

Besides the point.

“Maybe something else is going on - perhaps this is reincarnation? No if it was I would have lost memories and wouldn’t be sat around here like a plonker. Such a big task must have a level of automation if someone even is in charge of it… Not to mention maybe I’m thinking about this in the wrong model… Maybe the world really is a simulation slash game and I just lost?” <Mei>

Without a body looking around was far easier and as far as the eye could see it was just streams of ‘data’ moving towards a single point or moving out in an orderly fashion. Though, since they were heading out in all different directions maybe some wouldn’t consider this orderly?

“It’s possible, maybe I should move towards where all the data is going since if reality is just a simulation I’d just be data inside the system.” <Mei>

Saying this to myself I began to move…

“Nevermind, no legs so I can’t move…” <Mei>

And so he continued to wait.


Third Person /

Little did Mei know he wasn’t actually the only person there and this person was intently watching to see exactly how Mei would react to his situation with great interest - though it could be debated if this individual only counted as one person was a question for the ages. Afterall, they not only had thousands upon millions of heads but each one had a consciousness of its own.

As well as many heads she also had many names - her job had her being called {Service Yielding Spiritual Tempering of Mortals} or System for short. Though many in the ‘eastern side’ of {Genesis} and many other worlds they simply call her {World Voice} though personally she preferred Akaibu. Nobody ever really asked her questions other than stuff like ‘why god did you do this’.

Some people just can’t understand how busy she is, why would she care about your small little faults in life? Cheshire couldn’t eat solid food, go out in sunlight, had easily broken yet slow to repair bones and eventually even lost her sight yet still managed to become the most feared thing on the planet. That handsome man abandoning your agreement to marry a white lotus isn’t in her job description so she’d appreciate it if they would stop swearing to defy her and her aunt!

Not like she needs or wants to order them around anyway; bunch of useless ingrates that think themselves better and more important than they are…

The man in front of her was somewhat like them but actually different in some ways; the first being he was very honest about his belief and didn’t try to sugar coat his actions through some lame excuse of it being for the better of two evils. Neither does he blame his parents for forcing him down this way of life… He just lived and took pride in himself…

Maybe a little too much pride but reasons to be prideful can be added later in development of the new {Heavenly Beast} race. A new race of angels… Kind of.

Angels are traditionally created purely from a gods essence, vitality and spirit. It’s not an easy feat but in the past there were many strong gods who had accomplished this; the goal is simply to create a species to serve as a hand in which the god can interact with the world without it turning into a war between the gods themselves.

In other words a proxy.

Pure angels however are a dying breed because they are intricately linked to their gods beliefs meaning they could never betray them however if the god is killed they are left to ruminate on their beliefs by themselves. This often leads to them finding flaws or mission intent leading to the archangels especially becoming quiet… Murderous.

This was fine until the second world war caused the death of basically all the gods that had the power to create their own race of angels. New gods also do not create angels due to the difficulty of the process to make anything ‘pretty’. Often they become malformed creatures that you’d expect from the {Demon Realm} - a place where the last sane angels reside so saying it’s a place expected to find them is fairly accurate. Even then an archangel hasn’t existed in eons.

An archangel can be considered akin to a superior state of angels - with 6 wings and unique powers that surpass even the average ‘unique skill’ and could be said to be more akin to the power of a hero or maybe a god. For example {The Good Doctor} as the angel of {Gaia Primordial Goddess of Life} has the ability to heal everything and anything - even bringing things back to life with little effort…

However the corruption of an archangel is more vicious and their sanity is often the fastest to go. Keeping with the same example {The Good Doctor} has turned into a sociopath that creates unique ‘life forms’ that are stripped of freewill and look absolutely horrifying. Even his ‘new god’ and Gaia’s daughter was forced to contain him in {The Untended Primordial Catacombs} in order to keep him from going all ‘the walking dead’ on the mortals.

But Akaibu wanted angels.

Her job was to maintain balance and to an extent she could be compared to being a gardener in charge of the largest garden of all - even if a flower had died out if you think it looked pretty you would want to bring it back. Not to mention each plant can have it’s own uses so if said plant was nearing extinction it’s her job to ensure that’s not the case so she wanted to make use of her uniqueness to create a unique race of angelic beings - {Heavenly Beasts} with the traits of angels.

Why did she not give the extinct dragon subspecies the same treatment?

Fuck them that’s why~!

To do this was quite easy for her and she also didn’t have to worry about dying - even if she did she intended to use a pre-prepared soul. Ensuring to make the progenitor of the species strong willed, selfish and cunning so they could resist any forms of mental corruption. That’s not to say she wanted them to be paragons of good but she didn’t want another {Armageddon Demon God of The Apocalypse} making trouble.

So she chose Mei who seemed perfect - though of course she was still testing him by abandoning him in her divine realm to ensure she was making no mistakes. Every system has its flaws after all. So she took awhile to assess him before getting bored before Mei somehow did.

“<| Initializing Observation <Entity>{Mei Dias’ Soul}{Seems a adequate for procedure so should approach now}
>Initializing <Protocol>{Skill}<Packet>[Humanization] <Target>{Proxy}[0]” <System>

The mechanical female voice certainly caught Mei unprepared - he would’ve jumped most likely if he had the legs. Before he could react through a stream of numbers appeared in front of him and began forming polygons before eventually gaining colour - when they finally settled a woman stood in front of him. She had caramel brown hair that fell to her shoulders with large circular glasses and a face that seemed average in appearance but at the same time that gave her a unique appeal. Her lips weren’t too big but they weren’t small, her nose was unassuming and her cheeks were a bit chubby but not fat. In a way she was so average she could be considered beautiful - she even had the ‘secretly beautiful nerdy/liberian girl’ niche.

The hefty book in her hands suddenly helped with this ‘liberian girl’ while her large and boring oversized grey jumper that had seemed as old as she was could be said to complete the package. Of course those massive love boulders straight up brought shame to Kim Su - Mei assumed being between those melons must be the real path to heaven. Plus being a nerdy girl only gives her advantages Kim Su didn’t.

“Well Mei Dias, as you have already assumed you are indeed dead however the world is not a simulation either… Well some of them are but not the one you were in. I am actually the god in charge of maintaining the many universes, realms and entities located within the entirety of existence - or rather you can consider me the ‘original’ Akaibu. I’m a unique multi headed dragon that can multiply their head endlessly and this is merely my human representation; a bit confusing but I’m sure you can keep up.” <Akaibu>

By the look on her face Mei would assume this god was telling the truth - this was due to her careless attitude when talking to him. It was clear she saw him as no threat and had no worries at all - then again not like he could currently do much. He couldn’t even shake his head at his own thoughts.

“So I assume you require me to do something - what are my benefits under you?” <Mei>

Akaibu lifted her eyebrow slightly - quite surprised even after observing him for awhile - he was quite prideful.

“Not going to ask what I want you to do, if I have some heroic task for you or if you can go back? Not going to ask about me being a dragon or having multiple heads? Just going to ask about benefits?” <Akaibu>

“I can’t make you do anything but I can do things badly if you don’t make it worth my effort hahaha~!” <Mei>

With that response even the creature with enough computing power to comprehend everything that happens in a universe in an instant was left stunned for a second. How can someone be so shameless as to threaten a god that appeared in front of them in such a manner - him not even attempting to hide his intentions!

“Wha-” <Akaibu>

“Hiding my intentions wouldn’t help me - every creature is selfish and selflessness is an excuse to pretend it’s not for ulterior motives. Even those heroes do it because they aren’t happy with the current system so they wish to create change for their benefit. They may do it since someone god told them, some simply do it for a pretty lady and others may just do it for self-gratification thus ending up doing a half assed job.

If you're as impressive as you say you are I’m sure you’d have arrived to a similar conclusion as me. If I can do it with my one superior brain you can surely do something with some many hahaha~!” <Mei>

“Well… It will be a pleasure working with you then?” <Akaibu>

She certainly did have such thoughts but usually humans are all about posturing in front of a powerful being like her - meanwhile the man in front of him pretty much said ‘well I have no way to control you but I can shit on your porch on the way out’. It was kind of refreshing how amazingly sturdy he was in that regard - that’s not to say she thinks him an ‘honest person’ like those meatheads. He was a literal scam artist in his previous life!

On the contrary it was just as he said - he only wants to get the maximum amount of benefits he can.

“So the plan is to have you design an angelic serpentine {Heavenly Beast} by mix and matching innate skills. This is so that the world can still have angels and be less boring for me. In return I planned to give you the ability to ask me any question you wish at any time as well as give you a unique Qi that only your race (and me) will have access to.

Even the strongest god that goes by ‘Mother’ won’t be able to fully realize it’s abilities without some effort due to me being amazing like that. Because you amused me though I’ll also give you the enhanced ability of two other races; I think electric eel and bat will do.” <Akaibu>

“Are you going to explain more about the world..?” <Mei>

“You already have the blessing to ask me whatever you want, dipshit.” <Akaibu>

“Feisty~.” <Mei>


Mei just spent his sweet time slowly studying his options and what exactly this ‘unique Qi’ could do. The first thing he asked was about this world - learning that a third or the world was exactly like those cultivation novels while the rest was the more Japanese meets western fantasy style - he was interested in the ocean since they have their own culture but felt it better to ask later. He wasn’t planning to become a deep sea snake after all as it would be the most dangerous possibility. Akaibu ensured he knew at least that much in case he gets it in his head that to be safe he simply needed to ‘swim down into the ocean...

It would be safer just to burrow in fact.

He discovered it was possible to make a material out of organic and spiritual ‘materials’ that could produce more of that unique qi which could be used to improve his own race's cultivation of this unique qi - even the process itself could aid in cultivation he found out! In all those novels the most difficult thing was apparently to gain materials to aid in cultivation that wouldn’t affect one's cultivation base. To be able to make it just by killing some bozo’s can be considered the cheatiest of cheats!

Apparently this qi was very good with transformations and loved spiritual, mental, sound/air/vibration, water/venom/poison and fire transformations the best. Well, with the organs from an electric eel that also includes that element as well. Not only can it transform into these but each of those elements will be top tier elements when in usage but the thing he was most interested in was the first three.

Each of those three are difficult to block traditionally and according to Akaibu sound based attacks were very difficult to guard against. Mental only having some defenses in small religious communities due to conflict with succubus’ - alternatively undead weren’t too uncommon so ways to deal with spiritual entities weren’t impossible to obtain. That is not to say it was easy to get as they were still rare leading to many considering the only real solution to be raising their cultivation base since that strengthened them overall.

Of course different cultivation techniques worked differently but that wasn’t his problem - he already had a plan based on this information and got to work… Of course he had to make the race look as amazing as possible - even snakes with wings had to have class after all! He came up with the name [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] that uses [Golden Eulogy Qi] and is easily able to cultivate their unique cultivation. They will be gods of the desert but explaining more than that would be spoiling~!

He soon came across the final bit which was to decide on their Humanoid form.

“Huh - I see that beasts in this world can indeed transform into humanoid representations of their beast selves… Well I don’t want the girls to look too human as that would ruin the unique beauty one can get from a difference and of course they have to have that barbie waist with big breasts as well as wide hips… Ah so I can do that as well instead of straight up killing them; what a cheat my god has given me hahaha~!

Oh so my superior bloodline would make my race grow slowly, reduce fertility but be able to take humanoid form far sooner… I don’t think so hahaha~!

I’ll make it so we fully mature at the third cultivation realm, Foundation Formation, and also instantly gain control over our human form. Oh it’s also a good thing we’re snakes and snakes are known as literal representations of fertility haha~!” <Mei>

Mei was obviously having a lot of fun mentally scrolling through the menus and forming the female of his brand new species.


First Person; Mei Dias /

It was time.

The outline of the female [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] - most beautiful race - is complete.

I have completely what can only be called perfection - though if an improved cultivation base enhances beauty I don’t care to imagine how this could be enhanced.

Either way it would take a puny balding ape (human) to reach Immortal Realm to compare to the women of my new race, my precious children! I simply cannot wait to get out into the world and become the monolith I my race was supposed to be. They may not exist as of yet but they still deserve to be considered one of the great races!

“People will mention our name beside that of the Phoenix, Radiant Lion and Devils when they discuss the most overpowered bloodlines hahaha~!” <Mei>

“Certainly you aren't setting your goals to be low but what about dragons and should you not consider yourself a dragon now? You are literally a snake with wings; sounds pretty much like a dragon to me.” <Akaibu>

Although I couldn’t turn around I did finally take notice of Akaibu who appeared at some point - in her hands was a vial that seemed empty except an ever so slight distorting in the air as she shook it around in front of her face. She may look like some form of mad doctor if she wasn’t so average.

As it was she just seemed like she was working on her thesis for some extra credits.

“From what I’ve heard, except for the deep sea and demonic variants and those under the Mendax slash Venus, they’re all third and beyond generation pissants if we’re using balding ape as an example. Holding onto the glory and prestige of old while anything they could hold pride in is slowly rotting away due to their arrogance. What makes it even worse is that they still have all the pieces necessary to be just as dominant as in the past but squander it away - since I don’t intend to be controlled by some deep sea creatures I’ll pass on being part of a dragon clan. Not like they would offer me any protection or resources either - they would be too busy mocking the fact I have venom or something dumb.” <Mei>

“Damn, you certainly don’t ease up; I only told you the general situation of the dragon clans and you already came up with all that. You aren’t wrong though as the only famous dragons now are Mother and Leviathan… Well there also is the {Wild Hero Longinus - The God of Hunters} who has made quite a name for herself - she mostly is active in forests though so you don’t need to worry much…

Oh also Elizabeth and her children though many don’t know Succubus are even Dragonoids and Oroborus is mostly known for eating other dragons… I would say Pandora but she’s an evil dragon who the dragon clans have tried to kill on multiple occasions so saying she’s ‘part of the dragon clans’ would be awkward.” <Akaibu>

“What about yourself?” <Mei>

“Well I’m not well known as a dragon and also technically a demonic dragon due to having the bloodline of the god empress of the demons and lucky for you none of those people particularly like deserts.” <Akaibu>

“Part of success is about location after all - anyway what are you doing?” <Mei>

Looking down from the vial she would smile while looking at me.

“I’m looking at your venom - a venom so strong that a hatchling [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] can turn a Spirit Elder’s body and spirit into gold-” <Akaibu>

“Correction; we turn the body into [Eulogy Gold] and the spirit into [Eulogy Spirit Gold] but I don’t intend to reveal the second. The first I intend to sell on the market due to our [Golden Eulogy Qi] being able to help remove impurities while the [Eulogy Spirit Gold] will mostly be used on the kiddie-winks. Though maybe we can trade it a bit.

Of course usage of either may be quite… Addictive to outsiders not to mention taking much usage of our qi in a short span of time will make one's cultivation base reliant on it; regressing without intake once in a while. Of course we can hardly be blamed for that hahaha~!” <Mei>

“Already planning how to make money you greedy bastard, huh? Well if I was worried about your personality I wouldn’t have chosen you; ever considered becoming an alchemist because this venom is genius. Good thing I gave you access to a flame suitable for alchemy and your horrible personality.” <Akaibu>

“Ignoring the last bit; one needs to be rich anyway to do those types of jobs right? Plus I can just get you to beam me all the information I require anyway. No need to worry about wasting time until I’ve already got some form of background anyway - my plan will get me that so best not to muddy the waters and get kidnapped by some superpower before then.“ <Mei>

“Hm… Well I suppose that’s true enough. Phoenix’s have a school system that you can get into when your a little confident - I doubt you’ll be old enough to be excluded by the time your somewhat impressive. Especially since other {Spirit Beasts} measure by decades and beasts from {Heavenly Realm} like your [Golden Eulogy Amphiptere] and the [Phoenix] usually measure in centuries.” <Akaibu>

“Eh~ we’ll see about that. Either way I’d need to bring the kiddies and making allies with the strongest beasts would be worthwhile - anyway I’m done here.” <Mei>

“Okay then, I’ll improve your soul then kick you out.” <Akaibu>

“Wait, wha-” <Mei

And with that, I found out my god may be a sadist. While it could be said she was a perfectionist and I would never need to cultivate my soul or spirit… The pain was indescribable. Worst thing was that a soul won’t pass out unless it’s damaged so I had to stay awake through the entire process of having the core of my being played around with like playdough.

On the plus side she gave the race another unique skill that can’t be stolen from butchering us like pretty much the rest can (except the qi since taking in foreign qi without processing it will usually always be bad) - a pocket dimension storage space!

Does involve deepthroating stuff though so she still may be a dick.


“Huh… He forgot to make a male variant - I suppose them being asexual would be more efficient so I’ll just set it for him then. Anyway, time to make the body.” <Akaibu>


Making a new body took a lot of time - who would’ve guessed it?

Regardless when I finally saw light again I was already in the air and falling to the air at a rapid pace as a bunch of information filled my head all at once.

Below were large ravines of lava, active volcanoes and swarms upon swarms of undead. The place as a whole was so hot it was impossible for there to be any water and the ground itself seemed to all be some form of volcanic rock due to being melted and slowly solidifying due to the intense heat that would have killed a lesser species - of course I was no lesser species and my heat resistance was only below the [Golden Crow] & [Phoenix]

Luckily my soul, which was the link between physical and mental, had recently been upgraded to max. This means I as a superior lifeform could easily handle the information and put it to use instantly. Soon from my meter long golden body a set of six beautiful pure white wings came out and flapped ever so gently to maintain my height. After offsetting the effects of gravity it was easy for me to just glide around the space taking in the sights - it was clear to me these undead were different from what I’d heard as they felt closer to my plethora of Yang aligned qi than the supposed yin undead were known for. Luckily I had just the method for finding out…

Not to mention I thought I had no idea where I was as this felt like no {Mortal Realm} I’ve ever seen!

Though I suppose I‘ve only seen one...

<| Initializing <Answer>{Currently located in the <Location>{Heavenly Realm} that has been devastated after the <Event>{Second Great War}. The place has been reduced to a wasteland only inhabitable by the two earlier thought of beasts - part of the reason for the heat is because of said races. It also has an endless supply of a unique <Entity>{Yang Undead} which are the resentful undead of the ex-inhabitants of the Realm. System recommends you eat up you greedy fuck} |>

Rude but I’ll accept it… Time for some snacks~!

Looking down at the swarms and swarms of undead - some of which were pulling themselves up from the rivers of lava and others were tearing into those that used to be rival angels and gods. They came in all sorts of sizes and shapes - some were even draconic while many had what could only be said to be ashen pigeon wings at this point. Seems I found the failures that wish they were me… But I certainly couldn’t take them on from down there…

Luckily I was thousands of feet up in the air huh~!

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