
Creating Worlds

Pokemon: Merged Worlds Ivys Legacy

***Disclaimer Not Canon***Ivy, a girl from a secluded village in the Kanto Region, had always dreamed of becoming a Pokemon Warrior. But for some reason, all her Pokemon turn into cute girls with their Pokemon traits?Her world is soon turned upside down due to some unforeseen events that have now caused her world to merge with…

Chapter 22

Author's Note

11+ chapters on

“What’s going on here!? There is no fighting in the center!” A booming voice filled the air. Ivy turned to look at the large, burly man walking over.

“Chief Jenson, this girl… her Pokemon!” The man named Richard seemed to have found his saving grace and rushed to the burly man’s side as if wanting to hide behind him.

“Pokemon?” The burly man, Chief Jenson, took a long look at the three girls before wrinkling his brow. “Are you here to register?”

“Yes.” Ivy replied, still keeping her guard up. She knew that it would be hard to hide her pokemon from real pokemon warriors, but she had hoped to have at least gotten in and out of this place without drawing attention to herself. If it wasn’t for the man and the woman…

“Go register.” Chief Jenson pointed to the counter not too far away before turning to Rcihard. “Richard, this world has many strange things. You only need to look up at the sky to see that. As a pokemon warrior it is your job to protect the people not question other warriors about their pokemon. Especially a stranger who has just arrived. If you made it hard for her to not register we would lose another fighting force. Can you take responsibility for that?”

“But… they are humanoid…” Richard just couldn’t let it go. But when he saw the gaze from the chief, he lowered his head and stopped speaking.

“You are lucky that lass is not out for blood. Not only you but your partner would have died. If i hear about it or see you bothering the lass agai,n I will be the first to haul your ass in if you are not already dead. Now go. Didn’t you just take on a quest? Go do it and mind your own damn business!” Chief Jenson yelled, causing Richard to grab his companion's hand and rush out of the pokemon center.

He then walked over to where Ivy was. “Lass, sorry about that. It’s not normal for someone to question others about their pokemon. To be honest most wouldn’t know about it unless they had a pokedex eye implant. That little shit Richard just got his not too long ago so he noticed right away since he has been playing with it.”

“It’s fine. Sorry for reacting as we did. My companions are very protective of me.” Ivy did not take it to heart since it was taken care of.

“It is normal for them to be protective. While in Pewter City you can do your quests without issue. If anyone tries anything let me know. I will handle it for you. And, if you need to. Resort to violence but please try not to kill.” Chief Jenson knew sometimes fights would happen. He did not want the girl in front of him to think she couldn’t defend herself.

“Understood. I will try my best.” Ivy replied, making sure not to promise anything. Humanoid pokemon would be something many would want to covet, and she did not plan to let anyone touch her family.

“Good. Mary here will help you register and explain how Pokemon Warriors rank up and the ends and outs of the center. Also, there is a gym in Pewter City that you can take a look at and maybe practice fighting at. Many warriors go there for daily training and battle against other warriors.”

“I will check it out if I have a chance. Thank you.” Ivy gave the man a polite smile. But her eyes were on the time. She had to hurry up and finish her registration before something happened, and she might not get to do it.

“Then I will leave it at that. I wish you luck.” Chief Jenson turned and walked away, leaving Ivy at the counter.

Ivy let out a sigh of relief before turning to the lady behind the counter. “As you heard, I am here to register.”

“Then let me explain.” Mary took out a few papers and placed them in front of Ivy. “Please read and sign, after you have I will register you into the system. Since you seem to have an exotic pokedex I will still need to give you a traditional one. This is to keep track of your quests. You will also get a pokemon warrior license as well.”

Ivy took the paperwork and began reading it. It was basically stating the dos and don'ts of a pokemon warrior. Like no raiding a village or town just because you have a powerful pokemon. No killing people unless you have no choice and it is in self-defense. How you must help with pokemon stampedes and protect the lives of ordinary citizens.

Ivy had long known what is considered the Pokemon Warrior Creed. But she had a feeling this creed would soon change. But she still read every paper before signing them. She did not want to be stuck signing something that had some strange fine print.

After Ivy passed the papers to Mary, Mary took a look at them and nodded as she scanned them into their system and pressed a button. “While your pokedex and card are being created I will go over the ranking system.”

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